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What's New? Archive 2000 Go
To Current What's New December, 2000 Unangam Tunuu Font - Start the new year with a brand-new, FREE font! Alaskool's Unangam Tunuu font for the Unangan (Eastern and Attuan) and Unangas (Atkan or Western) is available for PC and Mac users - download it today! Deg Xinag Language Class Notes - These class notes and links are from a Deg Xinag language class taught Fall 2000 taught by Alice Taff and supplemented by guest Native speakers. November 29, 2000 WHALE HUNTING IN HARMONY by Patrick Attungana who gave a presentation during a conference for the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission on February 11 -13, 1985. This article is from the Alaska Native News magazine (June, 1985). Attungana's speech translated by James Mumibana Nageak from a tape provided by the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Captain's Office. November 22, 2000 Chugach Legends: Stories and Photographs of the Chugach Region Four excerpts based on the oral traditions of the people of Chugach Region whose language is called Aluutiq. Compiled by John F.C. Johnson, Chugach Alaska Corporation (1984). November 21, 2000 Alaska
Native Land Claims Edited by Robert D. Arnold, written
by various Alaskans; Units Three, Four and Five. ALEUT
IMAGES Edited by Dana G. Anderson November 2, 2000 Athabaskan Languages and the Schools: A Handbook for Teachers Alaska Dept. Of Education October 30, 2000
October 4, 2000 Native Ways of Knowing: Experiences, Influences and Transitions of Tlingit Women Becoming Leaders a Master's Thesis by Barbara Fleek member of the Raven Moiety, Dry Bay Kwaan L’uknax.adi (Coho) Clan, Xixch’ hit (Frog House). October 2, 2000 "The Grass Still Grows, the Rivers Still Flow: Contemporary Native Americans" by Michael A. Dorris, from Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences "American Indians, Blacks, Chicanos, and Puerto Ricans" (1981) September 14, 2000 Nikaitchuat Ixisabviat Respect for Nature Curriculum lesson plan units written by Kotzebue IRA's Immersion Program in Kotzebue, Alaska. September 13, 2000 Tlingit Soundgame (Bingo style) designed by Paula Dybdahl along with Tlingit sound files read by Nora Marks Dauenhauer. Day in the Life of an Alaska Native student by Kyle Barril September 7, 2000 Southcentral Regional Profile Another addition to our collection of Alaskan Regional Profiles August 23, 2000
August 17, 2000 August 11, 2000 Subsistence Timeline Compiled by Jacoby Ballard July 31, 2000 Alaska Natives Commisson Report III-Subsistence and Native Government July 27, 2000 The Founding and Formation of the Northwest Alaska Native Association, by William L. Hensley, 28 March 2000. A letter on the formation of NANA. July 26, 2000 Salmon Fish Traps in Alaska: An Economic History Perspective by Steve Colt, University of Alaska, Anchorage. February 15, 2000. June 27, 2000 Serum Run to Nome Story of the first "sled dog race" to Nome, marking the beginning of the annual Iditarod race, to deliver medical supplies to children suffering from diphtheria. From Thinkquest.June 7, 2000 Audio-Visual Update Several new videos on ANCSA, subsistence lifestyles, healing and other topics. June 2, 2000 'The Problem of Indian Administration" A report from 1928, submitted to the Secretary of the Interior, regarding the status of Natives in Alaska at that time. June 1, 2000 Jim Crow in Alaska A new section focusing on the issues of segregation in Alaskan history. This index has a number of interesting stories and articles taken out of Alaska's past, bringing to light a social challenge which was not limited to the lower 48. May 31, 2000 Handbook on Teaching Social Issues, NCSS Bulletin 93- "Developing Issue-Based Unit Plans" by Joseph J. Onosko and Lee Swenson. This selection from the National Council for Social Studies Bulletin addresses the importance of issue-based unit plans and how teachers can develop this methodology. Examples of transformations between unit-topics and unit-issues are given as well as a 3 week sample unit plan to help one understand the ideas and goals involved. May 30, 2000 Aspects of Traditional Inupiat Education An article on the myth and reality of Inupiat life and education by Paul Ongtooguk. May 17, 2000 Links to Slide Shows Overlooking Rivers and Mountains of Alaska May 16, 2000 Many Tongues- Ancient Tales by Michael E. Krauss. A selection which documents the history of native languages and the root from which modern language has evolved. May 12, 2000 A look at some of Alaska's Geography from the Air: Northwest and Southwest How-to Use the Iñupiaq Font to send E-mail LONGEST REINDEER HERDER: A fascinating true life story of an Alaskan Eskimo covering the period from 1890 to 1973, By Chester Asakak Seveck and Frank and Neva Whaley. May 9, 2000 Two new additions to the Regional Profiles section: April 17, 2000 Between Worlds: A Juneau Empire Special Report (ANCSA) An Alaskan Teacher, Elizabeth L. von Beck, © 1997. "The U.S. Bureau of Education employed Evelyn and Archie Payne as teachers of the Eskimo." This manuscript was compiled from letters, character sketches and poems written during 1925-1948 when Evelyn and Archie Payne lived and worked in several Alaska coastal communtities. March 16, 2000 Interethnic
Communication, How to recognize negative stereotypes and improve
communication between ethnic groups, Ron Scollon and Suzanne B.K. Scollon,
Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1980
Unbiased Teaching About American Indians and Alaska Natives in Elementary Schools, ERIC Digest EDO-RC-90-8, June 1990 Articles and other material by and about Roy Peratrovich and Elizabeth Peratrovich DENALI PARK OFFICIALS CONSIDER DOYON LAND SWAP, Anchorage Daily News, February 7, 2000, p. B2. February 25, 2000 An Alaska Solution for Schools, Essay Covering School Funding Issues by Paul Ongtooguk. Ice Fishing for Tomcods and Smelt, Kotzebue Sound, 1978. February 14, 2000 FUNDING ELUDES NEEDIEST SCHOOLS, Anchorage Daily News, Sunday, October 03, 1999. At Chevak School in Western Alaska, student desks sit so close together that if one child gets up to go to the bathroom, an entire row must stand and move. Three hundred students are crammed inside an old wood-frame building that was designed for half as many kids....[read article] Education plan taps Bush aides, Controversial idea aims to cut teacher turnover , Anchorage Daily News, Monday, December 20, 1999. Some educators hope to overcome one of the biggest obstacles to improving schools in Bush Alaska - rapid turnover of teachers - by making it easier for mostly Native teacher aides to become teachers, perhaps without earning college degrees.... [read article] February 9, 2000 A SENSE OF RIGHTNESS, Kitka marks 10 years atop AFN, but she's still an enigma to many, Anchorage Daily News, Page A1, Sunday, October 17, 1999 January 26, 2000 AFN
IMPLEMENTATION STUDY January 25, 2000 Index of AudioVisual Resources on ww.Alaskool.org (includes subsistence videos, Inupiaq language, and other materials...)
For Teachers: Excerpts from Teaching with Documents: Using Primary Sources from the National Archives, National Archives and Records Administration and National Council for the Social Studies, Washington, D.C., 1989 January 13, 2000 January 7, 2000
January 5, 2000