claims at the grass roots:
1966 letters and village newsletters from Willie Hensley's private

To Willie Hensley from Commissioner
R. Bennett - U.S. Dept. of Interior, BIA, 13 June 1966
Willie Hensley to Sam
Taalak-Arctic Slope Native Associate, 14 June 1966
To Willie Hensley from Stuart Udall - Secretary, U.S. Dept. of Interior,
2 Sept. 1966
Willie Hensley to John Schaeffer,
8 Sept. 1966
To Willie Hensley from Superintendent
McLean - U.S. Dept. of Interior, BIA, 4 Oct. 1966
To Willie Hensley from Milton
Pearl - Public Land Law Review Commission, 15 Sept. 1966
Willie Hensley to Robert Newlin,
28 Nov. 1966
Village Newsletters
Kiana News, 29 August 1966
Noorvik News, September
23, 1966
We at Alaskool would welcome such items from other personal collections.
Please contact
website staff to discuss contributions.