claims at the grass roots:
1966 letters and village newsletters

D.C. 20242
June 13, 1966
Mr. William L. Hensley
University of Alaska
College, Alaska
Dear Mr. Hensley:
I appreciate your letter of May 16 outlining the major land claim problem of
the native people of Alaska. This subject was discussed in a meeting
with the members of the Alaska Congressional delegation, the Department
of the Interior, and this office on June 1. I was present at this
meeting also.
A committee has been appointed to develop proposals for consideration which
would lead to the introduction of legislation to resolve this
particularly vexing and long standing problem. It is hoped that
the committee will be successful in its efforts. You may be sure
that this problem is receiving continuing consideration by the
Alaska Congressional delegation, the Department of the Interior,
and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Your request for the appointment of Mr. O'dean Williamson as Realty Officer
for the Northwest area of Alaska is one which should be answered
by Mr. Owen D. Morken, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs,
in Juneau. I am sure that he will respond to you in this request
since I.know that you sent him a copy of your letter to me of
May 16. I agree that Mr. Williamson has the experience and understanding
necessary to make a real contribution in solving some of the individual
land problems of native people and of native villages.
I hope that your educational program is progressing and that we will have the
opportunity to discuss native problems of concern to us both.
With all good wishes, I am
Sincerely yours,
(letter signed Robert L. Bennett)
Robert L. Bennett

Elsewhere on
Alaskool - Tundra Times articles mentioning Robert Bennett:
Inupiat at Kotzebue" - October 1, 1961
Indians Meet: Conference on Problems, Revived Festival to Draw
Many Alaskans This Week" - Tundra Times, June 3, 1963
Groups Unite" - June 17, 1963
Proposes Cash Payments for Valid Native Land Claims"
- April 15, 1966
On Alaskool
by Willie Hensley:
Rights to Land Have the Alaska Natives?: The Primary Issue"
- May 1966
Testimony at pre-ANCSA hearings - October 1969
Speech - "Why the Natives of Alaska
Have a Land Claim" - November 1969
Bilingual Conference
Speech - February, 1981
Founding and Formation of the Northwest Alaska Native Association"
- March, 2000