About the www.Alaskool.org project and its developers
Land claims at the grass roots:
1966 letters and village newsletters

Public Land Law Review Commission
1730 K STREET, N.W.

August 15, 1966

Mr. William L. Hensley
Executive Director
Northwest Alaska Native Association
Box 33
Kotzebue, Alaska

Dear Mr. Hensley:

We have your letter of July 28. You are correct in your assumption that our meetings gave the Commissioners and staff a clear sense of the need to proceed with a prompt and equitable settlement of the native land claims, and I agree that the meetings helped to bring the issue more sharply into focus.

As to the transcript of our Alaska meetings, which we have just received, it is available for review in our office by anyone who wants to do so. Several federal agency officials have done so, in connection with our earlier meetings. Unfortunately, we do not have funds to print and distribute the proceedings. However, we will prepare a summary report of the meetings. In the event you have need of a copy of the transcript, a copy may be purchased from the Lyon Reporting Service, 1228‑30 East 7th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska.


Milton A. Pearl


On Alaskool by Willie Hensley:
"What Rights to Land Have the Alaska Natives?: The Primary Issue" - May 1966
at pre-ANCSA hearings - October 1969
Speech - "Why the Natives of Alaska Have a Land Claim" - November 1969
Bilingual Conference Speech - February, 1981
"The Founding and Formation of the Northwest Alaska Native Association" - March, 2000