claims at the grass roots:
1966 letters and village newsletters

Box 33
November 28, 1966
Mr. Robert Newlin
Noorvik, Alaska
Dear Robert:
The third general meeting
of the Northwest Alaska Native Association will be held December
2‑4: We can pay the fare of two men if the council pays
one way for one man. In other words, we'll get one man down and
two up if the council pays the other man's way down.
The meetings will begin at
the BIA school on Friday the 2nd at 3:00 p.m.
We hope each village will prepare
a short report about village conditions which can be given at
the conference.
will complete the by‑laws with the help of Herbert Soll,
a lawyer from Anchorage. We will also have a new
election of officers and discuss the land claim again.
get in touch with the councils and see who they have selected
to represent Noorvik. We are hoping the council presidents will
be able to attend‑if not, any other two men selected will
be quite all right.
Weather permitting, we hope
to see you at 3:00 p.m. Friday.
(letter is signedWillie)
Rep. Willie Hensley
Director, NANA

Elsewhere on
Alaskool - items
mentioning Robert Newlin:
: "NANA,
ASNA May Merge" - Tundra Times, September 2, 1966
Native Assn. Holds Kotzebue Meet" - Tundra Times, November
11, 1970
Values Interviews" - High School Inupiat Ilitqusiat project
On Alaskool by Willie
Rights to Land Have the Alaska Natives?: The Primary Issue"
- May 1966
Testimony at pre-ANCSA hearings - October 1969
Speech - "Why the Natives of Alaska
Have a Land Claim" - November 1969
Bilingual Conference
Speech - February, 1981
Founding and Formation of the Northwest Alaska Native Association"
- March, 2000