About the www.Alaskool.org project and its developers

Julie E. Kitka

Julie E. Kitka, 46, is a Chugach Eskimo and shareholder of Chugach Alaska Corporation. She has one daughter - Sassa age 21. Kitka currently serves as president of the Alaska Federation of Natives at the pleasure of a 37 member Board of Directors representing the 13 Regional ANCSA corporations, the 12 regional non-profit tribal associations and the villages. She represents AFN before the U.S. Congress and federal agencies and the Alaska State Legislature and state agencies on Native issues of statewide importance. Kitka began working at AFN in late 1981 and has held numerous positions within AFN including Special Assistant-Human Resources, D. C. Lobbyist, and Vice-President. She earned a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from the Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage. She currently serves as one of seven Commissioners of the Congressionally formed Denali Commission overseeing federal funding of rural infrastructure.

Her personal interests include Asian-Pacific studies and History, gardening and carpentry work. She is more well known at Spenard Builders Supply than at Nordstroms.

Her professional goals include insuring that the Alaska Native community is at the table when decisions are made which affect their lives and working to change government policy to reflect Native goals and aspirations for their own future.

1577 "C" Street, Suite 300 - Anchorage, Alaska 99501
(907) 274-3611 - Fax (907) 276-7989