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Reading an Alaska Native Corporation Annual Report

Each year the thirteen Alaska native regional corporations and over 200 village corporations distribute annual reports to their shareholders. The annual reports typically include a letter from the president of the corporation, current events within the corporation, and the financial statements of the year with corresponding notes. Regional corporation reports tend to be more extensive than the village reports but their overall setup is similar. Below are links to learn about several important statements found in all reports.

Understanding the Financial Statements

The Balance Sheet
The Statement of Earnings
The Statement of Shareholders' Equity
The Statement of Cashflows

It is important to remember that these corporations are neither part of the U.S. Government or the Alaska Native governments. They are separate entities created as a result of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) in 1971.

Shareholder Questions

How can I tell how my corporation is doing?
Is it possible to see a decline?
How is my native corporation stock different from other stock?
What else comes with my report?

Links to Native Regional Corporation Home Pages

Ahtna Incorporated
Aleut Corporation
Bering Straights Native Corporation
Bristol Bay Native Corporation
Calista Corporation
Chugach Alaska Corporation
Cook Inlet Region, Inc.(CIRI)
Doyon, Limited
NANA Regional Corporation, Inc.
Sealaska Corporation
13th Region