About the www.Alaskool.org project and its developers

William Hobson/l'akaw Eesh (Lkaw Eesh); Taax'aa Yeil
June 1983-1958
Raven; L'eineidi; Dakl'awedidi yadi
Aan X'aak Hit (Center House)

William Hobson was the son of Peter Hobson and Minnie Hobson. During his childhood, William Hobson attended Sheldon Jackson School where he learned the machinist trade. During his next years, he worked in the Treadwell mine and Juneau gold mine. William Hobson was one of the founders of the Alaska Native Brotherhood, and helped to organize it.

Andrew Hobson moved to Washington so William Hobson could further his education. There he married Rose Anna Guest in 1915. They had three daughters and moved back to Alaska and settled in Juneau. William Hobson and his family moved to California when one daughter caught pneumonia. There William Hobson joined the merchant marine. He then retired eight years before World War II. William Hobson and his wife divorced, however he kept close contact with his children. William Hobson believed in the benefits of education, and encouraged his daughters during their growing years to educate themselves.
Besides being a founder of the ANB, William Hobson was proud of his heritage and devoted his time to his people. William Hobson died in a car accident in the year1958 in California.