The next morning several canoes could be seen crossing from the
other shore.
Tradition says that it was the Angoon people who came to the rescue
of the Sheet'ká Kiks.ádi. We had many arranged marriages
with the Angoon people to settle boundary disputes over where Kiks.ádi
territory ended and where Angoon territory began.
Some say it was the Deisheetaan who manned the rescue canoes.
To this day the Kiks.ádi hold the Angoon people in high regard
for coming to our assistance in a time of great need.
The Sitka Kiks.ádi promptly took over the abandoned fort
called Chaatlk'aanoow near Point Craven. They re-roofed the old tribal
houses with new bark strips and went to work re-enforcing the old fort
atop the high rock hill. Other crews cleared the trees behind the fort
and began to construct new houses. At this time of the year there are
many deer in this region and there is good fishing out on Morris Reef
all year long so food was not a worry. In a very short time both the
fort and the houses were completed and the people were free to begin
the blockade of Sitka.
Blockade Begins