About the www.Alaskool.org project and its developers

When they arrived in Fish Bay, they set up their main camp near the smokehouses of the hunter’s camp located in the north corner of the bay close to the main river. They stayed long enough to smoke and to partially dry their fresh deer meat for use on the trail that lay ahead.

Once underway again they followed the long gravel beaches nine miles west to Schultz Cove. They rested there overnight. The next morning they entered the woods, turned north and followed the low ridge just above the shoreline of Sergiaus Narrows to Bear Bay. From Bear Bay they followed the shoreline into Little Bear Bay. The first two house groups passed right through this area in order to leave untouched shellfish resources for those traveling behind.

The lead house group moved right on to Rose Channel where they set up camp near the large stream. Their hunters moved on to the low muskegs and hills to hunt the large herds of deer that are in this area during this time of year.

It is said that one family turned north to winter at Deadmans Reach. War Chief Katlian tried to talk them out of it, but they left anyway. They had a hunting camp in that area and were confident that they could winter-over very well there.

When the lead house group left Rose Channel they moved into the woods, headed east until they found the old bear trail and followed it across the narrow peninsula to the stream draining into the southeast corner of Rodman Bay. The bear trail followed the stream into the bay. The scouts left a clearly marked trail for the other house groups to follow.

The walk from Rose Channel to Rodman Bay was an easy hike of approximately ten miles. When they reached the beach in Rodman Bay they moved on to the head of the bay without stopping and set up camp there. From this point, all the way up to Hanus Bay most of the traveling would be on the beaches. So after a short rest they were underway again, walking along the beach to Appleton Cove eight miles to the north.

From Appleton Cove they followed the rocky outer beach toward Saook Bay, harvesting some of the abundant shellfish as they moved along.

The final leg of the journey was along the beach from Saook Bay to Point Moses. Compared to many places along the way this was easy walking along good gravel beaches. Occasionally there were short stretches of boulder strewn beaches but most of the beaches were wide and gently sloping.

The first house group arrived at Moses Point without fanfare, then moved on to their main destination—the Lake Eva river in Hanus Bay.

Early that morning the house chief had sent his runners back to contact the houses still coming up. The runners returned late that evening and reported, "The people are scattered out five or six days marching time behind us."

A quick survey was enough to determine that there was no sign of recent human activity in Hanus Bay. This was disappointing news. Now they had to find a way to alert their possible neighbors, nine miles across the open water of Peril Strait.

The Bonfire