Frank Williams
Emma Williams
Transcribed and edited by
with an introduction by
Jeff Leer
Alaska Native Language Center (ANLC)
University of Alaska - Fairbanks, Alaska
The right to reproduce all or any
part of the contents of this book is reserved by ANLC
About the Authors
Foreword, by Michael Krauss
Introduction, by Jeff Leer
Haa Shagoo·n Daa`t
Concerning Our Heritage
Goo`ch Laa`kanoo`w
Daa`t Sh Kalnee`k
The War at Goochlaakanoow
Lin`git Naa·gu Daa`t At
Concerning Tlingit Medicine
Atxa Daa`t At
Concerning Food
Oo`tskaa·yi Shaa`wat
The Lazy Woman
Notes on the Text
At the time this book is being published, Frank and Emma Williams
have been married for 63 years. Most of this time they have lived
in the same house in Ketchikan overlooking the boat harbor. From there
they witnessed a gradual disappearance of the ancient Tlingit way
of life and the emergence of a new generation of Tlingits.
Frank Williams has owned three fishing boats in his long career as
a fisherman and sometime guide. During his childhood in Metlakatla
he learned to speak Tsimshian, and to this day the Williamses are
visited by their Tsimshian friends in Ketchikan.
Emma Williams has also earned money by sewing and doing beadwork
over the years. As she frequently mentions in her texts, she owes
much of her knowledge of the traditional Tlingit life to the fact
that she was careful to listen to her mother- and father-in-law.
The Williamses have two daughters and nine grandchildren, who are
listed, together with their Tlingit names as far as they are known,
on the facing page.

Frank and Emma Williams - click for larger
Frank Williams |
Emma Williams |
Tlingit Name: |
Geetwei·n |
Kalnaa·kw |
Moiety: |
Raven |
Wolf |
Clan: |
Gaanax.adi |
Teikweidi |
Fathers Clan: |
Teikweidi |
Gaanaax.adi |
Date of Birth: |
February 3, 1890 |
June 22, 1898 |
Their Family (Daughters and Grandchildren)
Eleanor Allen |
Daxkei·x |
Gene Allen
Yeiltuxkwdayei`ch |
Terry Allen
Kooshkan |
Frank Allen
Yeikoo·shk' |
Terry Allen
Keegaa`n |
Eleanor Olsen
Frances Hamilton |
K'aldal |
William Hamilton
Ginaxtaa·n |
Patricia Hamilton
Ookaataalaxaa`ch |
Harriet Hamilton
Kalnaa·kw |
Deborah Hamilton
Kalage |
It is a special pleasure for me to see this volume of Tongass
Tlingit texts appear. I distinctly remember a conversation with Jeff
Leer in about 1971, when he mentioned to me that some years before,
about 1965, he had noticed that one elderly couple in Ketchikan spoke
a remarkably different dialect of Southern Tlingit. As he described
it, I was reminded of my work with the Eyak language, also spoken
by only a very few people, and with similar traits which answered
many questions about the related Athabaskan language family. I immediately
urged Jeff to investigate further.
Unlike all other speakers of Tlingit Jeff had heard, Mr. And Mrs.
Williams spoke Tlingit without the usual tones. Instead of low-toned
vowels, the Williamses had a special "fading-energy" pronunciation,
and instead of long high-toned vowels, they had two different kinds,
clipped or glottalized, and long sustained vowels, unpredictably.
This meant that one can predict from the Williamses speech what
the rest of Tlingit will be, but from the rest of Tlingit, one cannot
predict what the Williamses pronunciation will be; and this
means that the Williamses have preserved certain information about
the ancestral Tlingit language which is no longer to be found in the
rest of Tlingit. They have thus kept a legacy that is precious to
the whole Tlingit nation. They and Jeff Leer are to be thanked for
having understood the importance of this legacy, and for having done
this work to preserve it for all.
Michael Krauss
The Tongass Dialect
The Tongass dialect of Tlingit is now spoken by Mr. And Mrs. Frank
Williams in Ketchikan, and perhaps by one or two others in Metlaktla.
It is the most conservative dialect of Tlingit; besides retaining
a vowel nucleus system similar to that of Eyak and being therefore
of great comparative interest, it preserves the phoneme y
([i], identical with Tsimshian w,
Boass r), and in common with the rest of Southern Tlingit,
maintains stems of the shape CiCw, which usually become
CuCw in Northern Tlingit. As is the case with Eyak, the
value of this dialect to comparative Na-Dene linguistics is inversely
proportional to the number of speakers.
When I began my acquaintance with the Williamses about 1966 I noted
the existence of medial glottal stops in this dialect; but at that
time I did not realize how few Tlingits spoke as they did. Since 1974
I have resumed contact with the Williamses, and together we went through
the Naish-Story noun and verb dictionaries, so that the stem inventory
of Tongass Tlingit is relatively well covered. In 1974 the Williamses
also recorded these texts, except for the story of the lazy woman,
which was recorded in 1978. at that time also I read these texts to
the Williamses, who made the corrections and changes they felt were
It is hoped that not only will these texts provide an interesting
addition to the field of Na-Dene linguistics, but also a personal
legacy from the Williamses to their descendants, and an addition to
that which will be preserved of the Tlingit heritage for the era that
follows them.
The Consonant System
The Tlingit consonant system is quite straightforward and stable
throughout the whole Tlingit community, the only exception being the
merging of y and y in most modern Tlingit.
Following is a consonant chart showing the standardized orthography,
which is used in this book:
Affricative Series
Dental |
Lateral |
Sibilant |
Shibilant |
Unrounded |
Rounded |
Unrounded |
Rounded |
Glottal |
Plain Stops |
Aspirated Stops |
Glottalized Stops |
Plain Fricatives |
Glottalized Fricatives |
Sonants |
[Table Note] 1not written word-initially
[Alaskool note: Tlingit language sound chart with audio here]
Plain and aspirated stops contrast only syllable-initially;
syllable-finally or preceding a consonant they are phonetically and
orthographically aspirated stops, but morphologically it is usually
more convenient to represent them as plain stops, since syllable-final
non-glottalized stops almost always appear as plain stops when a suffix
beginning with a vowel is added, e.g. Tongass Tlingit hit 'house',
du hid-i 'her house'.
Velar and uvular stops are always rounded immediately following the
rounded vowel (u, oo) or a rounded consonant in the same word, and
with some speakers (including the Williamses) even across word boundaries.
Thus it is not necessary to write the w following a rounded
velar or uvular after the vowels u and oo, and this
is not done in the practical orthography. Also, in a cluster of two
rounded consonants, w may be written after only one of the
rounded consonants. Thus instead of x'ux'w we write x'ux' 'book',
and instead of aa yei` tixwx'w we may write aa
yei` tixwx' 'they are always there'.
The velar sonants y1
[i] and w [u] behave exactly like the other unrounded-rounded
pairs in Tongass Tlingit; thus y > w
following the vowels u and oo. Within the body of a
word morphological y is spelled w when
rounded, or else it would look unfamiliar to other Tlingits who do
not retain y as a distinct phoneme, and thus
cannot consider w simply as a rounded version of y.
Some Tlingits who merge the phoneme y with
y still retain y as a morphophoneme,
such that it becomes w after u or oo. With other
Tlingits most occurrences of this morphophonemic y
are reinterpreted as immutable y. This is true of most modern
Tlingit speakers across word boundaries. Therefore, across word boundaries
we have written y instead of w after
u or oo, so as to make the words more recognizable to
Tlingit readers; in such cases we have given the phonetic spelling
in parentheses following the line, to remind the reader how these
are to be read.
For example, compare the following words, which illustrate the change
of y from a phoneme into a morphophoneme:
Tongass Tlingit |
Conservative Northern Tlingit |
Innovative Northern Tlingit |
yakei· |
yak'éi |
yak'éi |
'it is good' |
(=kuyak'ei·) |
kuwak'éi |
kuwak'éi |
'the weather is good' |
yei ayaw` skaa` |
yéi ayawsikaa |
yéi ayawsikaa |
'he said to them' (def.) |
yei kuwaw`skaa`
(=. .kuyaw. .) |
yéi kuwawsikaa |
yéi kuyawsikaa |
'he said to them' (indef.) |
ax yee·t |
ax yéet |
ax yéet |
'my son' |
du yee·t |
du wéet |
du yéet |
'his son' |
The Vowel System
The most interesting feature of Tongass Tlingit from a comparative
point of view is that it differs from the rest of Tlingit in having
a system of vowel nucleus modification which is basically non-tonal,
but rather closely resembles that of Eyak. This fact is especially
significant in view of the fact that the Tongass community is located
at the southernmost end of the Tlingit territory, and shows signs
of long association with the Tsimshians, whereas the Eyak homeland
is located at the northernmost end of the Tlingit territory, the southernmost
of the known Eyak settlements being at Yakutat, where according to
local tradition2Tlingits from
the south moved in next to the Eyaks in comparatively recent times.
Hence it seems out of the question that the common features of the
vowel nucleus systems of Eyak and Tongass Tlingit are due to areal
contact in recent times; it seems much more likely that this system
of modified vowel nuclei reflects the original Na-Dene system which
has given rise to the tone systems in most Tlingit and in Athabaskan.3
Ironically, both the language and the dialect retaining varieties
of the original vowel nucleus system have only two or three speakers
There are four vowels in Tlingit, which have single-vowel spellings
when short, and double-vowel spellings when long:
short (V)
long (VV)
In transcribing Tongass Tlingit, the short vowels are used to represent
unmodified vowels, which are short and correspond to the short vowels
in other Tlingit, whereas the long vowels followed by a symbol (·
` ) are used to represent modified vowels, which correspond
to long vowels in other Tlingit. Thus the four types of vowel nuclei
- Short or unmodified (V): the vowel is short and
usually mid to high in pitch. Where the syllable is stressed (this
is limited to stem syllables, for rhetoric effect or emphasis),
it is pronounced at a higher pitch than the preceding syllables.
- Sustained (VV·): the vowel is at least twice the
length of a short (unmodified) vowel. If the syllable is stressed,
it tends to start at a high pitch and gradually become lower,
but the effect is not at all similar to the sudden decrescendo
characteristic of the fading nucleus.
- Clipped (VV): the vowel is modified by closing
the glottis; in other words, this kind of nucleus is equivalent
to a short vowel followed by a glottal stop.
- Fading (VV`): the vowel is modified by opening the glottis,
which results in a rapid fading in the volume and pitch of the
vowel accompanied in some cases by breathiness. The fading character
of this nucleus is especially exaggerated when the syllable is
stressed, as for stylistic effect. Where the syllable is not stressed,
the fading effect is much less noticeable and tends to sound like
a mid- or low-toned syllable. In either case, however, a fading
nucleus is not as long as a long nucleus, but is definitely longer
than a short (unmodified) nucleus.
In a very few morphemes we also find sequences of the type VR`, where
R is a sonant (y, w, n). in these nuclei, the fading co-occurs
with the sonant; the distinction between VR` and VR· is quite
marginal and appears to be disappearing from the language. In one
case the Williamses felt that there was a distinction between yan·
'hemlock' and yan` 'shore, mainland', but this was not upheld
by subsequent checking. Another interesting case is the word lin`git,
'person', which in Saanyaa-Heinyaa Tlingit is lìngít,
with irregular low tone on the first syllable. Some Northern speakers
also perceive this word as leengít rather than lingít.
Similar is the modifier tlen` 'big', Saanyaa-Heinyaa tlen, Northern
tlein. Another source for this contrast is found in the contraction
of verbal prefixes CV-wu- ® CVw`-,
as opposed to the contractions CV-yi-®
CVy- and CV-na- ® CVn-, where
the sonants are not fading. Apart from these few survivals it does
not seem to be possible to retrieve morpheme-specific contrasts, there
being too much free variation.
It is interesting to note that coastal Tsimshian has a virtually
identical contrast between sustained and fading vowel nuclei both
with long vowels and with short vowels followed by a sonant. The fading
nuclei in Coastal Tsimshian correspond to forms involving glottalization
in other dialects, e.g. Coastal Tsimshian halo·`
'cloth', Gitksan halo?o; Coastal Tsimshian
ts'il` 'face, eye', Gitksan ts'a?a. Besides the contrast
between sustained and fading vowel nuclei, Coastal Tsimshian has syllable-medial
glottal stops (in Tsimshian, however, these are followed by an echo
vowel, unlike Tongass Tlingit). Thus it appears likely that the Tsimshian
phonology exerted a conservative influence on Tongass Tlingit, so
that it retained the archaic vowel modification systemor it
may be that the reverse is truethat Tlingit may have had an
influence on Coastal Tsimshian phonology. In any case, there was clearly
areal influence, and clues to the history of the Tlingit vowel nucleus
system may perhaps be found in Tsimshian.
The following chart shows the relationship of the Tongass vowel nucleus
system to that of Eyak.
Tongass Tlingit
V (short)
V (reduced)
V` (fading)
Vh (aspirated)
V (clipped)
V? (glottalized)
V· (sustained)
V· (long)
V·? (long glottalized)
Schematically the Eyak system differs from the Tongass Tlingit system
in that Eyak has two slots following the vowel, length and glottal
modification; whereas in Tongass Tlingit length is exclusive of glottal
modification, so that they occupy the same slot.
Tongass Tlingit
V +{ ` ·} |
V + · + { h ? }, where V·=
V·h |
All four types of vowel nuclei occur contrastively in both open and
closed stems. Following are the correspondences between the Tongass
vowel nuclei and their tone reflexes in the Saanyaa dialect of Saxman-Ketchikan
and the Heinyaa dialect of Klawock-Craig, as well as with the Northern
dialects, which include all other Tlingit. (V = short vowel, VV =
long vowel; tones are high , falling ^ (slightly glottalized
preceding a glottalized consonant), low`; low tone is left unmarked
in the practical orthography for Northern Tlingit, since there are
only two tones.)
Stem Nuclei Tongass |
Saanyaa-Heinyaa |
Northern |
V |
*V |
{*V (stressed) }
{V (unstressed)} |
VV· |
{*VV (except before sonant |
*VV |
{**VV (before sonant)} |
**VV |
VV |
**VV |
*VV |
VV` |
***VV |
VV |
[Table Notes:
*denotes accent such as "á" above first "V"
** denotes carrot such as "â" above first "V"
***denotes accent such as "à" above first "V"]
In northern Tlingit, short stem nuclei are unstressed and low-toned
when they precede the head noun in a noun phrase. Examples are:
ta |
tá |
tá |
'he is sleeping' |
ta káa |
'sleeping man' |
aa· |
áa |
áa |
'lake' |
hee·n |
hêen |
héen |
'water' |
kaa |
kâa |
káa |
'man' |
shaa` |
shaàa |
shaa |
'mountain' |
In prefix syllables which include object and possessive pronouns
as well as all pre-stem syllables in a word, there seems to be a three-way
contrast in Tongass Tlingit: short, sustained, and fading. The contrast
between sustained and fading prefix syllables was not discovered until
these texts were being edited, principally because this contrast is
not as consistently maintained in prefix syllables as it is in stem
syllables, especially in isolated elicitations. In transcribing the
texts, however, it was noticeable that certain long prefix syllable
nuclei, such as too- 'we ( subject pronoun)', yee- 'you
( subject pronoun)', haa 'us, our ( object pronoun and possessive
pronoun)', yee, hee 'you, your ( object pronoun and possessive
pronoun), kaa 'one, one's (indefinite object pronoun
and possessive pronoun)', consistently lacked the fading character,
and were thus identified with sustained vowel nuclei, although they
are not as long as sustained nuclei in stems. Other prefix syllables
consistently had fading nuclei in distinct speech, although the fading
was sometimes brief and hard to hear in rapid speech, at times manifesting
itself simply as a lowering of the tone of the prefix syllable. This
contrast does not manifest itself in other dialects of Tlingit, where
there is only a two-way contrast between long and short syllables.
The correspondences are as follows:
Tongass |
Saanyaa |
Heinyaa |
Northern |
V |
*V |
*{V} |
V |
VV} |
***VV |
{***V1} |
VV |
VV`} |
***VV |
Examples: |
xadana |
xádáná |
xádáná |
xadaná |
'I'm drinking it' |
tudana |
túdáná |
tùdáná |
tudaná |
'were drinking it' |
wudwajak |
wúdwáják |
wútwáják |
wuduwaják |
'it was killed' |
wutwajak |
wútwáják |
wútwàják |
wutuwaják |
'we killed it' |
akashaxee`t |
akashaxèet |
ákàsháxèet |
akashaxeet |
'he is writing it' |
ákshàxèet |
tookee·n |
tòokêen |
tòokêen |
tookéen |
'we are sitting' |
woo kee |
wòokèe |
wòokèe |
wookee |
'they sat down' |
[Table Note] 1The prefix syllables kà-,
kù-, tù-, regardless of their origin, are marked for
low tone. If the vowel of one of these syllables is dropped by contraction,
the following prefix syllable assumes low tone.
[*denotes accent such as "á" above
first "V"]
[***denotes accent such as "à" above first "V"]
Preverbial particles of the shape CVV` are pronounced with a clipped
vowel before words which begin with a glottal stop (which is not written
word-initially; all words which begin with a vowel orthographically
are headed phonetically by a glottal stop). Thus, compare for example
aa yei` yatee` 'she lives there'
aa yei iyatee` 'you live there'
It should be noted that CVV (?)V
is indistinguishable
from CV (?)V
, so that the last example could as well be written
aa ye iyatee`; using the clipped vowel simply involves
minimal respelling and places less of a burden on the Tlingit reader.
Prenominal demonstratives may have short or long vowels in all Tlingit,
e.g. Tongass Tlingit ya, yaa, or even yaa· 'this', elsewhere
yá or yáa. Phrase-final demonstratives, however, have
fading (low) nuclei in Southern Tlingit, e.g. Tongass ayaa`, Saanyaa-Heinyaa
áyàa, but Northern áyá.
In suffix syllables three types of vowel nuclei occur, short, fading,
and sustained, but in all Southern Tlingit (Tongass, Saanyaa, Heinyaa),
these are in complementary distribution, so that there is no contrast
between even long and short suffix syllables.
In Northern Tlingit, however, there exists a contrast between tow
kinds of vowel nuclei in suffixes. For some speakers, there is an
actual difference in the length as well as tonal behavior; whereas
other speakers do not have the length contrast, but the two types
still contrast in tonal behavior. In Northern Tlingit, all open suffixes
are long4 except for the epenthetic
vowel -i/-u, which is not a morpheme but a phonologically determined
insert to prevent certain consonant clusters. Closed suffixes containing
the vowel a are all short, whereas those containing the vowels
i or u are long, except the contingent suffix -in/-un
'(whenever)', which may plausibly be identified with the postbase
-n 'with' separated from the stem by the epenthetic vowel -i/-u. Short-voweled
suffixes are always high-toned, whereas long-voweled suffixes are
high-toned after a low-toned syllable and low-toned after a high-toned
syllable. Many Northern speakers consistently or optionally shorten
the vowel of long-voweled suffixes except those ending in -aa;
nevertheless, these shortened suffixes behave tonally as described
above for long-voweled suffixes.
In Southern Tlingit, all suffix syllables are usually short except
those ending in -aa, which are shortened before a suffix, sustained
(high) following a fading (low) vowel, and fading (low) elsewhere.
Short suffix syllables are high-toned in Saanyaa-Heinyaa Tlingit as
in Northern Tlingit.
This rather complicated state of affairs may be best illustrated
by actual examples.
Tongass |
Saanyaa-Heinyaa |
Northern |
(underlyingly long in Northern Tlingit) |
ax hid-i |
áx hídí |
ax hídee
ax hídi
'my house' |
ax aa`n-i |
áx àaní |
ax aanéez
ax aaní
'my town' |
ax jee`-wu |
áx jèewú |
ax jeewóo
ax yeewú |
'I have
' |
Tongass |
Saanyaa-Heinyaa |
Northern |
ax jee`-de |
áx jèedé |
ax jeedéi}
ax jeedé}
'(give) to me' |
ax xan-de |
áx xándé
ax xándei
ax xande
'to me' |
ax jee`-gaa· |
áx jèegáa |
ax jeegáa
'enough for me' |
ax xan-gaa` |
áx xán-gàa |
ax xángaa |
'close to me' |
s'ee `n-aa· |
s'èenáa |
s'eenáa |
'light, lamp' |
ax s'ee`n-a-yi |
ax sè'náyí |
ax s'eenáyee}
ax s'eenáyi}
'my light' |
oon-aa` (or oona) |
ôonàa |
óonaa |
'gun' |
ax oon-a-yi |
ax ôonáyí |
ax óonayee}
ax óonayi} |
'my gun' |
xasaxan-in |
xásáxánín |
'I used to love her' |
(underlying short in Northern Tlingit |
kaa `kasaxan |
(ín) |
kaakasaxánín |
'whenever I love her' |
hitx' saa·ni |
hítx' (í) sâaní |
hítxí sáanee}
hítx'í sáani}
'small houses' |
nee·gwal' |
néegwál' |
néegwál' |
'paint' |
daxnax kaa |
dáxnáx kâa |
dáxnáx káa |
'two men' |
Prefix Contraction in Southern Tlingit
In all Southern Tlingit, from Kake on, certain common open
prefix syllables sonsisting of a consonant plus i or u
are contracted, with the provision that if it is possible for either
of two contractions to take place, only the rightward one will occur.
Most frequently contracted are the classifiers whose vowel is i,
di- ® t- |
li- ® l- |
dli ® tl- |
si- ® s- |
dzi ® ts- |
shi- ® sh |
- ji- ® ch- |
and the subject pronouns tu- 'we'®
t-, and du- 'one; they (indef.)'®
t- (but in Saanyaa and Tongass Tlingit du-wa- ®
dwa-, thus kept distinct from tu-wa ®
twa-). Also, the syllable gi-, formed by the contraction of
ga- and i- 'you sing.' contracts to k-. These subject
pronoun and classifier contractions do not take place when the morpheme
is word-initial unless it is close junction with a preceding open
syllable. Thus compare:
litsee`n |
litseen |
'he is strong' |
xat litsee`n |
xat litseen |
'I am strong' |
haa` ltsee`n |
haa litseen |
'we are strong' |
du twaa sigoo·}
du twaa sgoo·}
du tuwáa sigóo |
'he likes it' |· |
xwasi.ée |
'I cooked it' |· |
kaxwsi.ée |
'I cooked it' (round obj.) |· |
wutusi.ée |
'we cooked it' |`yin1 |
wutusa.eeyín |
'we had cooked it' |· |
wududzi.ée |
'it is cooked' |`yin1 |
wudus.eeyín |
'it was cooked' |
kakdateew |
{kagidatóow (-téew)}
{gagidatóow (-téew)}
'you will read' |
[Table Note] 1A
period is used to separate s and h and t and
s when they are separate phonemes, to avoid confusion with
the digraphs sh and ts.
Other details of the verbal prefixes are different from Northern
Tlingit, but these will not be discussed here.
The following prefixes, nominal in origin, are the most frequently
occurring of those which contract when they constitute open syllables.
They do not contract immediately preceding verb stems.
ji- ® ch- |
'hand, etc.' |
lu- ® l- |
'nose' |
shu- ® sh- |
'end' |
Note that the surrounding consonants remain rounded when the vowel
u is dropped: thus shu-ka 'front' (phonetically shukwa) ®
shkwa, xu-ka ® xkwa
aatop (the midst)', ch'a gunayei·dax ku.oo`
or ch'a kwnayei· dax ku.oo` 'people from
another place'.
1 In transcription
the underline is not raised.
2 As told by the late Harry Bremner of the
Galyax Kaagwaantaan.
3 The reconstruction of the
Athabaskan vowel nucleus system is explored in my unpublished paper
entitled "Spirantization and the development of suprasegmentals
in Proto-Athabaskan."
4 except that suffixes ending
in -aa shorten when followed by the suffix -yee (-yi).
to table of contents