Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
Teacher's Guide
Quick Reference Outline: History of the Act
I. What is ANCSA?
The largest land claims settlement ever legislated by the U.S. Government
for any Native American group.
II. Why is land so valuable?
- Power and wealth value
- Cultural or historical value
- Ecological/aesthetic value
- Subsistence value
III What are the legal concepts and documents which support
Native land claims?
- Traditional Use and Occupancy/Aboriginal Rights/Indian Title
- Russian-American Treaty (1867)
- The Organic Act (1884)
- Indian Citizenship Act (1924)
- Statehood Act (1959)
IV. What events led to the passage of ANCSA?
- Project Chariot
- Rampart Dam Project
- Formation of Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN)
- Land Freeze
- Prudhoe Bay
V. Who are the principal parties regarding the passage of ANCSA?
- Oil Industry
- Conservationists
- State Government
- Federal Government
- Alaskan Natives
VI. How was passage achieved?
- Native claims filed based upon "traditional use and occupancy."
- State holds North Slope lease sale.
- Land Freeze.
- Intense lobbying by all parties.
- Congress passes compromise legislation.
Unit One: History of the Act