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Teaching Unit for Primary Grades K-3
By Claribel and Henry Davis

Lessons 4, 5, 6, 7 (Depending on how much language development is carried out)

Children who are interested in learning some Tlingit words may have a special lesson devoted to learning to say the following words (p. 7, Specific Aims). For teachers who feel insecure in correct pronunciation of Tlingit, three methods are suggested:

1. Prepare language master cards with pictures needed. The recorded Tlingit name may be done by a native who is familiar with Tlingit. Both children and teacher could then practice saying Tlingit words. (Word list in Specific Aims)

or 2. Where teacher aides are available, teacher may be able to have not only suggested language work for children but may be able to utilize more practice.

or 3. Parents may be willing to cooperate in Tlingit language development. I would suggest for younger children a very simple approach which would use pronunciation of nouns and simple identity statements.

Lesson 4 Tlingit Language Lesson

1. Easy pattern drill using identity statements:

Teacher: Daa sawé? (What is that?)

Child: (________) awé. (That is a ________.)

Pattern: Daa sawé? (What is that?)

_________ awé. (That is a _________.)

Procedure: Teacher: Daa sawé? (What is that?)

(Teacher point to picture or object illustrating one of Tlingit nouns learned. Child responds first with name of article, then with complete statement as follows.)

aas Aas awé. That is a tree.

héen Héen awé. That is water.

eil' Eil' awé. That is salt water. (sea, ocean)

éek Éek awé. That is beach, tideland.

kéidladee Kéidladee awé. That is a seagull.

yaakw Yaakw awé. That is a large canoe.

kéet Kéet awé. That is a killerwhale.

shaltláax Shaltláax awé. That's a bare rock (island) above high tide.

káa Káa awé. That's a man.

eech Eech awé. That's a reef.

2. Vary drill by letting children take turns being the teacher. Praise correct responses by using Tlingit: Yak'éi. (That's good.)

Note: Objects which are identified should not be too far away from either the teacher or the student when using "awe". Tlingits use another form when identifying objects which are some distance away or which they are holding or touching.