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Literacy Footnotes *Stephen W. Haycox, professor of history at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, has published several articles on Alaskan political and educational history. Besides serving on the Society's board and the editorial advisory board of Alaska History, he writes a weekly column on the state's history for the Anchorage Times. 1Session Laws of Alaska, 1925, Chapter 27; Senate Journal, April 20, 1925, 143; Alaska Daily Empire, April 14, 1925, 1. 2Liberality in Alaska legislation concerning civic affairs is shown in the enfranchisement of women and in a Native citizenship act. (See Session Laws of Alaska, 1913, Chapter 1, and Session Laws of Alaska, 1915, Chapter 24.) Voting rights of Indians in western states are discussed in Gary C. Stein, "The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924," New Mexico Historical Review 47 (July 1972) and Francis Paul Prucha, The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indian (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984), II:794ff. 3William L. Paul, Sr., "The Real Story of the Lincoln Totem," Alaska Journal, Summer 1971, 4-5. 4Evangeline Atwood, Frontier Politics: Alaska's James Wickersham (Portland: Binford & Mort, 1979), 351, 353, 360, 362; Alaska Daily Empire, October 26, 1926, 4, November 1, 1926, 1. 5Philip Drucker, The Native Brotherhoods: Modern Intertribal Organizations on the Northwest Coast, Bulletin 168, Bureau of American Ethnology (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1956), 16-19, 38-39; Andrew Hope, III, Founders of the Alaska Native Brotherhood (Sitka: Andrew Hope, 1975). 6Hawksworth to Gov. Thomas Riggs, Jan. 10, 1921, Henry Wellcome Papers, file 8, Federal Archives and Records Center (FARC), Seattle; Wrangell Sentinel, Jan. 13, 1921, 1 (reprinted from Alaska Daily Empire), Feb. 17, 1921, I; ANB Minutes, 1920, file 71, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Record Group 75, FARC. 7Wrangell Sentinel, Feb. 17, 1921, 1. 8Alaska Daily Empire, Nov. 5, 1918, 2. Voting statistics were reported by a territorial canvassing board, and some survive in the governors records (cited below, n. 31). Voting statistics for the First Division also were printed in the Alaska Daily Empire. The analysis of elections is based on the statistics printed in the following issues: Nov. 12, 1918, 5; Nov. 17, 1920, 7; Nov. 25, 1922, 8; Nov. 11, 1924, 8; Nov. 15, 1926, 8. The number of Indian villages voting was 7 in 1920, 4 in 1922 (data suspect), 11 in 1924, and 8 in 1926. The vote at Hoonah was 35 in 1920, 103 in 1924; at Kake, 11 in 1920, 104 in 1924. 9Drucker, Native Brotherhoods, 38-39; Mary Childers Mangusso, "Anthony J. Dimond: A Political Biography," (Ph.D. diss., Texas Tech University, 1978), 85-88; Alaska Daily Empire, October 1, 1924, 8. 10Literacy Tests for Voters in the Territory of Alaska, House Committee on Territories, 69th Cong., 1st sess., H.Rept. 728, 2; Alaska Daily Empire, March 16, 1923, 8; Congressional Record, June 30, 1926, 12371. 11Contested Election Case Wickersham v. Sulzer, House Committee on Elections, 65th Cong., 3rd Sess., H.Rept. 839, 1415; Delegate from Alaska, 66th Cong., 1st sess., H.Doc. 74, 11-14; Contested Election Case, Wickersham v. Sulzer and Grigsby, House Committee on Elections, 66th Cong., 3rd Sess., H.Rept. 1319, 9 (also minority report under same title); Alaska Daily Empire, March 14, 1923, 8. 12Alaska Daily Empire, March 5, 1923, 8, March 7, 1923, 8. 13Ibid., March 10, 1923, 1, March 14, 1923, 1, 8, April 4, 1923, 1. 14Ibid., March 14, 1923, 8. 15Ibid., April 16, 1923, 4 (reprinted from Seward Gateway), March 29, 1923, 4 (reprinted from Cordova Times), March 28, 1923, 4 (reprinted from Ketchikan Chronicle). 16Ibid., March 16, 1923, 8; see also Alaska Fisherman, a monthly paper edited by Paul, May, 1924, 15. 17Alaska Daily Empire, March l6,1923, 8, March l7, 1923, 8. 18Ibid., March 17, 1923, 8; Mangusso, "Anthony J. Dimond," 75. 19Alaska Daily Empire, April 2, 1923, 8, April 3, 1923, 3. 20Ibid., April 2, 1923, 8. For Paul, Sutherland, and Wickersham on the "fish trust," see Alaska Daily Empire, October 22, 1924, 4, October I 1, 1926, 1. 21Ibid., April 2, 1923, 8, April 3, 1923, 1, 3, March 29, 1923, 4. 22Senate Journal, April 3, 1923, 113; Alaska Daily Empire, April 3, 1923, 1, 3, April 4, 1923, 1. 23Senate Journal, April 4, 1923, 121; Alaska Daily Empire, April 4, 1923, 1; Mangusso, "Anthony J. Dimond," 7577; Session Laws of Alaska, 1923 and 1925, names of representatives; Evangeline Atwood and Robert N. DeArmond, Whos Who in Alaskan Politics (Portland: Binford & Mort, 1977), biographical data on 1923 and 1925 representatives; various issues of the Alaska Daily Empire, Anchorage Daily Times and Fairbanks News-Miner in April and October, 1922 and 1924 for campaign reports and campaign ads for various candidates for legislative office. 24Alaska Daily Empire, April 5, 1923, 4; 43 U.S. Statutes, 253 (1924); Stein, "The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924," 257. 25Alaska Daily Empire, March 17, 1924, 3. 26Ibid., April 7, 1924, 3, May 7, 1924, 8. 27Ibid., November 25, 1922, 7, May 7,1924, 8, November 11, 1924, 8. 28Ibid., October 3, 1924, 4. 29Ibid., October 4, 1924, 4 (citing the Cordova Times), November 3, 1924, 2. 30Ibid., October 7, 1924, 4, October 23, 1924, 4, November 3, 1, 3. 31Canvassing board report, 1922, Records of the Office of the Governor of Alaska, Alaska Historical Library microcopy roll 92, file 19 (hereafter cited as Canvassing board report); Alaska Daily Empire, Nov. 11, 1924, 8, Nov. 25, 1922, 8. 32Session Laws of A1aska, 1923, 8-9; Session Laws of Alaska, 1925, 8; Canvassing board report, roll 111, file 18, Governors' Records; Alaska Daily Empire, April 21, 1923, 1; Atwood and DeArmond, Whos Who in Alaskan Politics, 93. 33Alaska Daily Empire, November 11, 1924, 4. 34Ibid., March 4, 1925, 3, March 5, 1925, 8, March 6, 1925, 4. 35Ibid., April 11, 1925, 1, April 10, 1-2. 36Ibid., April 10, 1925, 2, April 13, 1925, 8, April 14, 1925, 1, 8. 37Ibid., April 11, 1925, 1,8, April 13, 1925, 1, April 15, 1925, 8. 38Ibid., April 14, 1925, 1, 8. 39Ibid., April 15, 1925, 4, April 17, 1925, 1. 40Senate Journal, April 18, 1925, 135, April 20, 1925, 143; Alaska Daily Empire, April 20, 1925, 1. 41Alaska Daily Empire, April 21, 1925, 4; Anchorage Daily Times, April 21, 1925, 4. 42Literacy Tests, H.Rept. 728, 1-4. 43Congressional Record, 69th Cong., 1st sess., April 19, 1926, 7785, June 30, 1926, 12370-74. 44Alaska Daily Empire, September 21, 1926, 1, 2, October 1, 1926, 4 (reprinted from Fairbanks News-Miner); October 2, 1926, 4 (reprinted from Anchorage Daily Times); October 30, 1926, 4 (reprinted from Ketchikan Chronicle); October 26, 1926, 4; Wickersham to Sutherland, December 29, 1926, James Wickersham Papers, Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska, Fairbanks; Anchorage Daily Times, October 27, 1926, 1, Fairbanks News-Miner, October 29, 1926, 4. 45Alaska Daily Empire, October 11, 1926, 1, November 2, 1926, 1. 46Ibid., November 15, 1926, 7; Canvassing board report, reel 132, file 19, Governors' records. 47Congressional Records, 69th Cong., 2d Sess., Feb. 16, 1927, 3977, Feb. 26, 1927, 4890, March 1, 1927, 5221: 44 US Statutes II, 1393, Chap. 363. 48Alaska Digest, 1st ed., V.III, "Indians," and same heading in the "pocket supplement."