Indexed Guide for:
A Scrapbook History:
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, "Tundra Times,"
Follow this guide through the scrapbook of the Tundra
Times or browse through it with the click of your mouse. The scrapbook
is setup in chronological order as to follow the development and role
of the ANCSA during the late 1960's and into the early 1970's. The articles
and editorials included are meant to relay the need and importance of
the Alaska Native Land Claims Act and to follow its progress over the
years. Key political figures such as Ted Stevens, William Hensley and
Emil Notti provide content for many of these archived relics from the
Times. As well as news articles there are many old pictures,
advertisements and notices which also give an interesting glimpse of
the past.
1-Introduction by Julie Kitka, AFN president
2-List of selected dates of importance between
1961 and 1971 pg.3
3-Sen. Ted Stevens' reflection on the development
of ANCSA, "ANCSA was my baptism of fire" pp.4,5
4-Author, William Brandon, writes John F.
Kennedy about native land problems (Sept. 18, 1962) pg.8
5-Short articles reporting on land claims
issues during 1962-1963 pg.9
6-North Slope Borough and ANCSA 20 year anniversary
drawing pg.11
7-A few editorials regarding Native claims
to Minto, several other land area and the U.S. politics involved pg.12
8-William Hensley's initiative to run for
House of Representatives position pg.17
9-Several articles on land claims issues,
1966-67 pg.18
10- Report on a special trip William Hensley
and Emil Notti had taken to D.C to attend a briefing session regarding
the Alaska land bill, 1967 pg.19
11-List of Bering Straits Native Corporation
shareholder villages pg.20
12-Land Claims editorials and articles, 1967
13-Article on the rejection of a land claims
bill set forth by the US administration Editorial on the inherent value
of land to Alaska Natives pg.26
14-Articles on AFN enrollment and land claims
issues pg.27
15-Editorial on a decision made by a U.S.
Court Judge to lift the freeze on land allocation in Alaska pg.30
16-Several articles and an editorial regarding
the land freeze in 1967 pg.31
17-Articles regarding the land freeze and
land claims settlement issues pp34,5
18-Articles from October 1969 to May 1970
on land claims politics, concerns and decisions pp.38,9
19-Articles and a letter to the president
from Joe Upickson regarding the importance of land to Alaska natives
and the right to their claims pp.42,3
20-Articles on the developments in the land
claims settlement bill and the politics involved (interest of president
Nixon and firing of Walter Hickel) pg. 46,7
21-Articles following the land claims proposals
and arguments before congress pp50,1
22-Articles reporting on Nixon's proposal
to the AFN and their response pg.54
23-Editorial concerning dissatisfaction
with non-native hired representatives of the AFN pg.55
24-Editorial on the importance of fighting
for the benefit of the people and their beliefs pg.58
25-Article stating native claims bill had
been reported out of the House Interior Committee pg.59
26-Article reporting final passage of the
Alaska Native Land Claims Bill and its content pg.60
27-Editorial reflecting on the emotion involved
in the acceptance of the land claims bill and its significance and a
congratulatory letter to the Tundra Times from Sen. Ted Stevens for
their reporting pg.61