Hi, I'm John Active and I'm going to tell you a story about
how crane came to have blue eyes. This is a story my late grandmother
used to tell, she's from Bethel and that's where I am from too.
So here's the story... |
My name is George Bennett, Sr. - I was born in Juneau, Alaska
and raised in Hoonah pretty much of my school days. I think at this
time I'd like to share some Tlingit stories that were told to me,
also that I learned as I was growing up with the elders down in
Hoonah. |
My name is Theresa Nelly Dementieff Devlin, "Tiny" to my friends.
Holy Cross was one of my favorite childhood memories. One year we
stayed all winter. |
My name is Anatoly Lekanof, Jr., an Aleut born and raised in
the Pribilofs, coming from a family of 14 children, mother and father
and my story is going to be told about when I was eleven years old
youngster, a story about the WWII - Japanese and American war. I
really could remember a lot as a youngster... |
I'm Della Waghiyi, originally from St. Lawrence Island, Savoonga,
I 'm full blooded Eskimo... I was born at camp about twenty five
miles from Savoonga, eastside of the village - at camp. I come from
ten children and after I was born I grew up with my grandma and
grandpa, that's how I know all the stories. |
Hello my name is Leo Kinnevak and I'm an Inupiaq from Tikigaq
I'm going to talk a little bit about hunting long ago on the ice.
This is a story I was told when I was a little boy, maybe nine years
old...My friend started bugging his grandfather to tell a story
- this is the story that he told. |