
20Sections 41-56 of the second Charter deal with natives (for translation see Appendix 2, A). In the main their provisions correspond to those of sections 236-241, 247, 249-252, 260-270, 276 and 280-284 of the third Charter (for translation see Appendix 2, B); section 49 was omitted. Sections 42-45, 47-48, 50-56 were repeated there with very few changes as follows: Section 47 of the Charter of 1821 did not prescribe the chiefs (toyens) of the native tribes to be confirmed by the Administrator General as it is ordered by section 252 of the Charter of 1844. Section 53 of the Charter of 1821 required the pay of natives to be not less than one-fifth of that of the Russians, while section 267 of the 1844 Charter provides for pay according to the scale approved by the government.

21The Russian text of the treaty used instead of "uncivilized" the term "wild native tribes" and the French "tribus sauvages."

22For the full translation of these sections see Appendix 2.

23Kostlivtsev in Report cited supra ch. I. Note 9, v. 2, p. 37.

24Remarks by the Russian American Company on the Reports on Alaska, in Report cited supra, ch. I, note 9, v. 2, p. 547.

25Sections here referred to are from the Charter of 1844. For their full translation see Appendix 2, B.

26Kostlivtsev in Report, cited supra, Ch. I, Note 9, v.2, p. 50.

27Tikhmenev, op.cit., vol. II, suppl. Pp. 67-79.

28Kostlivtsev in Report, cited supra, ch. 1, note 9, vol. II, p. 22.

29U.S. Census Office Tenth Census, vol. VIII, Alaska: its Populations, Industries, and Resources, by Ivan Petrof, Washington, 1884, pp. 1-189.

30U.S. Congress. Senate. Compilation of Narratives of Explorations in Alaska, April 18, 1900, reported from the Committee on Military Affairs by Mr. Carter and ordered to be printed. Washington, 1900. Petrof's study is reprinted therein on pp. 55-285. Hereafter cited as Compilation, all references to pages of Petrof's study are given to this edition.

31Petrof, op.cit., in Compilation, cited supra, note 30, p. 210.

32Okun, op.cit., p. 181.

33Petrof, op.cit., in Compilation, cited supra, note 2, p. 239.

34Zubkova, Aleutian Islands (in Russian, 1948), p. 7, compare with the statement in Walker, E., "Alaska: America's continental frontier outpost" in Smithsonian Institution. War Background Studies, No. 13, Washington, D.C. 1943, p. 25: "The Aleuts inhabit the Aleutian Islands, the Shumagin Islands, and the north coast of the Alaska Peninsula east to Ugashik River. * * * Two colonies of Aleuts that had been established on the Pribilof Islands by the Russians to provide labor for sealing operations have been well cared for by the United States Government, for whom they work in handling the seal herd. * * * However, owing to the threat of Japanese landing on the Pribilofs, they were removed from the islands in the winter 1941-1942, and have been temporarily quartered in Southeastern Alaska. * * * Other Aleuts work in canneries in the Bristol Bay region, or on fox farms, engage in cod fishing or the operation of boats * * *. The Aleuts are now so thoroughly blended with the Russians and other Caucasians that pureblood natives are rare."

35Petrof, op.cit., in Compilation, cited supra, note 30, p. 210.

36Report (Otchet) for 1863, Appendix 5.

37Petrof, op.cit., in Compilation, cited supra, note 30, p. 265.

38See Appendix 3.

39Appendix 1, No. 21.

40Tikhmenev, op.cit., vol. II, p. 211.

41Petrof, op.cit., in Compilation, cited supra, note 30, p. 258.

42See table attached to the Report for 1863 printed in 1865.

43Capt. E.F. Glenn, "A trip to the region of the Tanana" (1898) and Lieut. H.G. Learnard, "A trip from Portage Bay to Turnagain Arm and up the Sushitna," in Compilation, cited supra, note 30, pp. 637, 666.

44Petrof, op.cit., in Compilation, cited supra, note 30, p. 260.

45Ibid, p. 263.

46"A Military Reconnaissance at the Copper River Valley" (1898) by Capt. W.R. Abercrombia, in Compilation, cited supra, note 30, p.579.

47Alaskan Boundary Tribunal, Proceedings, vol. 2 (1904), pp. 317-318.


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