Photographs from Men of the Tundra, Alaska Eskimos at War by Muktuk Marston, October House Inc., New York, 1972.
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Eskimo child with walrus at Barrow, Alaska
Grave marker, at sea, of an Eskimo
Eskimo toilet in the tundra of Alaska
Major Marston and his pet dog, Panda, on St. Lawrence Island
Picture of a painting by the great artist Henry Varnum Poor.
The great Joe E. Brown entertaining the soldiers of Alaska at Elmendorf in the winter of 1942...
Florence Nupok, a famous native artist...
Eskimo girls of St. Lawrence Island
Mushing down the Kobuk River with dogs and reindeer.
Wilunga, one of first officers sworn into the ATG on St. Lawrence Island...
Jack Jefford, chief pilot for the FAA...
Recruiting the Eskimos of Kotzebue and issuing of guns.
Ahkouchuk, right, the chief man of Barter Island, a believer in the law and
Christianity. I spent a good part of week with him while organizing the ATG.
I broke my leg in pressure ice with a dog team, and Andrew was killed the next
morning in an accident on the ice. A raven came out from the Brooks Range and
flew over him three hours after he died, the first raven the Eskimos had seen
all winter. It was some kind of an omen to them. That night I saw inky smoke
rising from the ice of the Arctic Ocean. I inquired as to what it was and Isaac,
his son, said we must burn all the clothing his father had on when he was killed.
My reindeer sleeping bag was on the sled when the brought him in off the Arctic
ice. I told them Andrew traded his wild sheep skin parka to me for my parka
and wondered if I couldn't save it. They said, "No." I told them the
sleeping bag was not with him when he was killed and they brought it back to
me. I hobbled up to the grave with a crutch. He was buried in six feet of blue
ice, and will be there a thousand years from now--just as good as the day we
put him in. He was a great leader and is missed by the people of Barter Island.
While I was staying with Andrew he said to me, "Do you know Rhodes?"
I said, "yes, he's the head of Fish and Wildlife for Alaska." Rhodes
had said to me, "You kill no more sheep and one caribou only." These
people live on fish and meat and berries. Andrew leveled a bony finger at me
and said, "Hunger knows no law." He gave up his religion and his law-abiding
way to life. I said, "That's not an Eskimo saying, it's a universal law."
Eskimo nurse at the hospital in Kotzebue.
General Jones and Russian soldiers at Nome.
Women building the church at Barrow.
Painting by Heurlin of my dog team 25 years ago mushing down the Yukon, organizing the ATG.
After a long day's run we say "hello" to our lead dog and "thank-you" and he's eager for attention.
Traveling up the Kobuk River on the ice by dog team and living off the land...
Eskimos of the tundra defending the shores of Alaska.
Sketch by the famous artist Henry Varnum Poor who spent six weeks with me on the Ada running supplies to the Eskimos.
The cruise of the Ada with which I ran military supplies and equipment to the Eskimos on the arctic.
Big and Little Diomede Islands. The island off to the left is Russian. They are 2 1/4 miles apart.
Governor Gruening talking with ATG member on St. Lawrence Island.
Two-man battery submarine sunk by our fly boys. It was on the beach at Kiska after the war.
A Japanese transport ship wrecked on Kiska Island.
My boat is stranded in the ice of the north branch of the Yukon River...
Laura Beltz Wright, sister of Senator Beltz. She was a member of the ATG at Haycock...
Running supplies to the ATG units.
ATG rifle practice at Unalakleet, Alaska.
In 1942 I visited Nunivak Island....
Nunivak Island Eskimo returning from a day's hunt in his kayak...
One of the chief men of Nunivak Island and the last man to wear labrets...
ATG drilling and military maneuver at Unalakleet in 1943.
Moses of Nunivak Island. When a stranger comes to the island, Moses disappears and returns in this ancient Salvation Army uniform to receive his guests...
Largest polar bear ever taken. Taken by Rodney Lincoln and Arthur Filds, Eskimos from Kotzebue...
A great dog; one of my lead dogs.
Some of the Cathedral Mountains off the southwest point of Mt. McKinley.
Peter Kooniak of Point Hope. The last of the great chiefs, with eider duck in one hand and muktuk in the other.
One of the ATG men at Barter Island.
Three generations of Ivanofs...
Old man Kakaruk and his granddaughter, near Teller, Alaska.
Old Russian fort, St. Michael, established in 1844.
I had just issued guns to the Eskimos at Wainwright...
A young golden head eagle captured by Major Marston near the Unga Island petrified forests...
Eskimo on the Arctic Ocean looking for whales.
Peter Kooniak, a great whaler, with the baline from the whale.
Cutting of muktuk in preparation for the Nalikatuk time or Feast of the Flippers.
My homestead experimental farm on the North River behind Unalakleet in the Bering Sea area...
Tom Berryman, a trader on the Kobuk River for 50 years.
Johnny Full Moon, an ATG man from Kwigillingok on the Kuskokwim River. He's a trader now.
My farm on the shore of the North River, its crops growing.
Major Marston arriving at the Kobuk village post office, being greeted by Mrs. Brown, the Eskimo postmistress. The nugget on Major Marston's back was apple green jade weighing 164 pounds...
ATG tundra army of the Kuskokwim.
Muktuk Marston and commander Captain Romano Caeser of the Princess Pat (Canadian) contingent taking part in Big Bear operation of Alaska, winter, 1962.
ATG Eskimo soldiers at Barrow, Alaska.
Native Council of Barrow, Alaska. Front row, left to right: Ross Ahngasuk, Bud Komyurak and Fred Ipalook. Back row, left to right: Leo Kaleack, Eben Hobson, and on the end, Forrest Munalook.
The Honorable Arnold Frank Peratrovich from Klowack, is Indian and Russian. Member of the Constitutional Convention and second President of the Alaskan State Senate.
The Honorable William Beltz, and Eskimo, first President of the Alaskan State Senate.
George E. Bell, an Eskimo from Nome, Alaska. Cashier of Mines and Merchants Bank of Alaska at Nome.
Mayor Dan Lisbourne of Hope, Alaska. Born in Cape Lisbourne, so named for his grandfather, the site of the Cape Lisbourne Dew Line Station.
Lloyd Ahvakana, born in Barrow, Alaska. He is the highest ranking Eskimo in the military service.
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One of the first meetings of the natives on the Alaska Native Land Claims. Shown from the left are, standing, Harry Carter of Karluk, Emil McCord of Tyonek, Jules Wright of Fairbanks, and Emil Dolchok, Kenai. Seated are William Hensley, Kotzebue; Emil Notti, Cook Inlet Native Association; Robert J. Peratrowick, Jr. of Tlingit-Haida, and Richard Frank of Minto, representing the Tanana Chiefs Conference. |
Mr. Emil Notti is from Fort Yukon. He was the first President of the Alaska Federation of Natives and is a member of the School Board of Anchorage.
Charlie Brower at Barrow, Alaska; of the book Fifty Years Below Zero.
Little Eskimo girl of the arctic.
Henry Nushalook's family at Unalakleet, about 1946.
Wilfred P. Ryan. He was a dog musher for me in the early days, and Captain of the ATG at Unalakleet. He now flies a private plane commercially out of Unalakleet.
Fred Ipalook (center) 39 years a teacher with the BIA at Barrow, Alaska.
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Several Years ago when I was out at the International Airport in Anchorage, a jet-propelled ship came down from Fairbanks, and out of the cockpit crawled Tommy Richards and Holger Jorgensen (pictured) pilot and co-pilot, Eskimos from the Arctic who were in my Territorial Guard. Tommy Richards is the chief pilot for Wien Airlines today. |
Muktuk Marston decorating 39 Eskimo scouts who were in the service under him 25 years ago and are still in the service at their winter encampment at Fort Richards, 1968.
Major General C. F. Necrason and Governor Walter J. Hickel inspect Eskimo scouts in a snow storm during their annual field training, February, 1968.
January, 1968 -- Muktuk Marston bestows special decoration on four Eskimos who served with him in the ATG. They are Edward F. Walker, Alfred Hobson, William Okpealuk, and Francis Eben.
Governor William (Bill) Egan, Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska National Guard.
Major General William S. Elmore -- Adjustant General Alaska National Guard.
Senator Ted Stevens, Republican -- Alaska.
Senator Mike Gravel, Democrat -- Alaska.
John Borbridge, President of Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indians.
Harry E. Carter, Executive Director Alaska Federation of Natives.
Alaska Federation of Natives: From left to right, with Congressman Nick Begich in the center, are Donald R. Wright, President Alaska Federation of Natives; Tim Wallis, 2nd Vice President; Phillip Guy, 1st Vice President; Frank Degnan, Sergeant-at-Arms; Frances Degnan, Secretary, and Nels Anderson, Treasurer.
Caribou and oil wells in Prudhoe Bay.
Winter scene of an oil rig in Prudhoe Bay.