"Elect Officers. Pass Resolutions Northwest Native Assn. Holds Annual Kotzebue Meet"
Tundra Times, November 11, 1970, p.3.
The Northwest Alaska Native Association (NANA) held an annual meeting in Kotzebue on October 13. Representatives from all 12 villages were in attendance.
Significant actions were the election of officers and the passage of resolutions affecting the Northwest.
Robert Newlin of Noorvik was elected President of NANA. Vincent Schuerch of Kiana was elected first vice-president; Hendy Ballot of Selawik, second vice president; Annie Joure of Kotzebue, secretary; Stanley Custer of Shungnak, treasurer; Rodney Howarth of Noatak, sgt. at arms; and Michael Tickett of Kobuk, board member at large.
Rep. Willie Hensley was re-elected to represent NANA on the Alaska Federation of Natives Board of Directors. Frank Ferguson was elected alternate to the AFN Board.
The NANA conference requested the Alaska Educational Broadcasting Commission to support the building of a radio station in Kotzebue utilizing federal, state, and local funds.
Another action of the NANA meeting was to urge the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Region X , to appropriate more funds for adult dental care in the Kotzebue Service Unit.
NANA further urged that the State prepare a plan for excess fish contingencies in Northwest Alaska, including a financial assistance program for fish cooperatives on a 5-to-10-year basis.
NANA also took action to retain the services of the law firm of Wilkenson, Cragun, and Barker of Washington, D.C., to represent NANA in land claims efforts. The firm is also counsel to the National Congress of American Indians.
Following the NANA convention, the delegates left to attend the AFN convention in Anchorage. Several delegates remained for the NCAL convention.