Deg Xinag English Theme Verb Question
{egg tol q'at. I'd like some fish soup. cooking/eating want Dengitsan' he'?
Dists’an’. I’m hungry. cooking/eating  be hungry Dengitsan' he'?
Dineg tol  ghison’. I ate moose soup. food eat Dran ndadz dangit'an'?
Digenegh dench’e dits’in naghatl’an’. I saw 4 geese in McGrath. seasonal  see Dran ndadz nangi{'an'?
___ an  ghotlnik. I cooked ___________. cooking/eating  cook Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
___ nidhiso. I went… daily  go Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
{egg ghuth ya'a. Cleaned some fish. fishing  clean Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Atthing Qay Xichux q'osinek. I worked in downtown Anchorage. daily activities  work Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Couch q’idz didhist’anh. I was just lying on the couch. lay down Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Deloy Chet sigida{tidl yi{ dineg oqo q’odhisiyo siyozr yi{. I went with my gun moose hunting around Holy Cross with my son. hunting  hunt Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Den-gidhitlodi q’odhisinek. I worked at the bank. occupation  work Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Dran di’etht’el ts’in’. I didn’t do anything. daily  do Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Dran q’odhisinek. I worked today. occupation  work Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Dran q’on-gidighitlqon’. I was sewing today. sewing  sew Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Dran q’on-giditlqon’ Today I’m sewing. sewing  sew Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Dran sileg yi{ q’odigiq’oq. I ran around with my dogs. outdoor activities  go (run around) Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Dran siyix dhisdo. I stayed home today. daily  stay Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Dran ton xidagitanh. Today I took a bath. daily wash Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Dran xiq’ogili’anhdi nidhiso. I visited the hospital today (where they work on people.) daily  visit Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Dranedr gaghison'. I ate lunch. cooking/eating  eat Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Dranh didhist'an ts'in'. I didn't do anything. daily do Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Dranh didhistthe'l ts'in'. I didn't do anything today. daily do Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Dranh dineg tol dhitlts'enh. I made moose soup. cooking/eating  make Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Gan ghotlnik. I cooked. cooking/eating  cook Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Gidina{dikdi nidhiso. I went to school. daily  go Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Gidina{dikdi q'osinek. I worked at the school. occupation  work Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Gidiqad getiy xelonghdi nidhiso. I went to lots of stores daily  go Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Gidiqad godhisiyo. I went to the store. daily  go Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Giligik yi{ q’osineyh. I worked with papers. occupation  work Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Gits’in q’odhisiyo. I went hunting. hunting go (around) Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Gits’in q’otr’ithidatl. We went hunting. hunting go (around) Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Go dran Nikolai xits’i ninsiyo. I came back from Nikolai today. travel go (return) Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Go dran xiq’ogili’anhdi nidhiso. Today I went to the hospital. daily  go Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Huslia nitr'athdatl. We went to Huslia. travel  go Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Insiyo. I went home. daily  go Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Jesse yi{ xighisngo’. I talked to Jesse. daily  talk Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Jesse yi{ xinisayh xingo ngan’ dighit’an’. I was talking to Jesse during the earthquake. (Jesse with I am talking while earth it was going.)  talk Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Niligguy axa q’on-gidaghtlqon’. I was sewing beads. sew Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Niliq’oy datl’anh. I beaded. (did beads) sew Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Q’odhisinek I worked. occupation work Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Q’odhisineyh dixiq’idz dist’anh. I was pretending to work. work (pretend) Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Q’osinekdi nondisiyo. I went to the place where I work. occupation work Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Qun’tix q’odhisiyo. I went walking visiting. (going from house to house.) go (around) Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Rose xiq’ogili’anhdi nightl'an’. I saw Rose at the hospital place see Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Sam siyi{ xa{tsin’ gigehon’. Sam and I had dinner. cooking/eating eat Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Sileg ghon’ viyi{ xidija{. I’m busy with my dogs. daily busy Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Sitsiy oxo q’odhisinek. I worked for my grandpa. work Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Sitthigg ton dhitlo. I washed my dishes. daily wash Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Siyi{ xidija{ qul. I'm not busy. daily busy Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Siyi{ xidija{. I was busy. daily busy Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Siyix q’odhisineyh. I worked at home. occupation work Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Ton gidhitlo. I washed clothes. daily wash Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Tritr daghitlan’. I cut wood. daily cut wood Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Tritr dhiso. I got wood. daily get wood Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Tritr ndagh gighiq. I hauled wood. daily get wood Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Tritr xidhiso. I went for wood. daily get wood Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Tsoq ton ditlo. I washed dishes. daily wash Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Xina xatidlghisr ghisdo’. I was at a meeting. sit/stay Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Xiq'ogili'anhdi nidhiso. I went to the hospital. go Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Yix ghisdo’. I stayed at home. sit/stay Dranh ndadz dangit'an'?
Dits’in nangi{an’, he’? Did you see the geese? seasonal  see Dranh ndadz nangi{'an'?
Dits’in nighitl’an’. I saw geese. seasonal  see Dranh ndadz nangi{'an'?
Dranh dits'in nighitl'anh. I saw geese today. seasonal  see Dranh ndadz nangi{'an'?
Dineg tol q’at. I want moose soup. cooking/eating want Gan q'at?
Ggagg mam q’at, he’? Do you want milk? cooking/eating want Gan q'at?
Nelang tol q'at. I'd like some meat soup. food/cooking want Gan q'at?
To{ q'at. I want tea. food/cooking want Gan q'at?
Sidhaq imo. My throat is sore. health hurt Ndadz dengi'ta?
Digiquth. I'm coughing. health cough Ndadz dengit'a?
Disiquth. I'm coughing. health cough Ndadz dengit'a?
Diva{o tr’al q’idon ingdinaxda’ I hope you get better. health Ndadz dengit'a?
Getiy isrenh ine' siyi{ xidija{. I'm sure fine but busy. daily busy Ndadz dengit'a?
Getiy sedig its'ex. I'm sure (really) happy. emotions happy Ndadz dengit'a?
Getiy siya xune{. I'm sure (really) happy. emotions happy Ndadz dengit'a?
Getiy siyi{  xidija{. I'm really busy. daily busy Ndadz dengit'a?
Getiy xe{edz dhist'a. I'm really fine. expressions be Ndadz dengit'a?
Getiy xidija{. Really busy. daily busy Ndadz dengit'a?
Gits' isonahadeget'a. I don't feel good. health be (sick) Ndadz dengit'a?
Godin dhist'a. I'm feeling fine. health Ndadz dengit'a?
Imo ingilanh, he'? Are you sick?  health be (sick) Ndadz dengit'a?
Imo itlanh. I'm sick. health be (sick) Ndadz dengit'a?
Itthe' imo.  My head hurts. (body part + imo  =  body part hurts) health hurt Ndadz dengit'a?
Izre. Cold. I'm cold. be (cold) Ndadz dengit'a?
Quth dingeloq, he’? Do you have a cold? health be (sick) Ndadz dengit'a?
Quth diselel ts’in’. I don’t have a cold. health be (sick) Ndadz dengit'a?
Quth diseloq. I have the flu. I have a cold. health be (sick) Ndadz dengit'a?
Sanh ditr’ixinelingh. My nose is running. health be (sick) Ndadz dengit'a?
Sanhtse tr’ixenelingh. My nose is running. health be (sick) Ndadz dengit'a?
Sidzigh imo. My ear hurts. health hurt Ndadz dengit'a?
Sighe' imo. My tooth hurts. health hurt Ndadz dengit'a?
Simaq imo. My eye hurts. health hurt Ndadz dengit'a?
Sinesrin imo. My back hurts. health hurt Ndadz dengit'a?
Siq'uth imo. My neck hurts. health hurt Ndadz dengit'a?
Sitthe' imo. My head hurts. health hurt Ndadz dengit'a?
Tr'evo itlanh. I'm sad. emotions sad Ndadz dengit'a?
Tr'inay itlanh. I'm lonely. emotions lonely Ndadz dengit'a?
Vi{ axa. I'm sleepy. sleepy Ndadz dengit'a?
Xe{edz dist’a. I’m fine. greetings Ndadz dengit'a?
Xe{edz donisiyoq. I’m feeling better. health Ndadz dengit'a?
Xughenatlnik. I’m tired. tired Ndadz dengit'a?
___ ndadz dingit’a? How is _______? be Ndadz dingit'a?
Goga yozr ndadz dixet’a? How is the baby?  be Ndadz dingt'a?
Grayling xits’i taso{. I’m going (to go) to Grayling. travel go Ndadz ditet'e{?
Medfra taso{, nda{on. I’ll go to Medfra, maybe. place/residence go Ndadz ditet'e{?
___ si’ezre’. my name is________. Ndadz ngi'ezre'?
___ sitsiy vi’ezre'. my grandfather's name is _____. kinship Ndadz ngitsiy vi'ezre'?
___ dhisdo. I’m in _______. place/residence live/stay Ndagh dhedo?
{egg Jitno' dhedo, he'. Do you live in Shageluk? place/residence live/stay Ndagh dhedo?
{egg Jitno' dhisdo. I live in Shageluk. place/residence live/stay Ndagh dhedo?
Deg Inegh dhisdo. I’m in McGrath. place/residence live/stay Ndagh dhedo?
___ xit’anh. S/he is from… place/residence be (from) Ndagh xits'in' neyo?
___ xist’anh, I am from _______. place/residence be (from) Ndagh xits'in' ningiyo?
Sedig xe{edz dhist'a. I'm fine too. Ngidenax?
Q’iydong niso. I came yesterday. go (arrive) Ngidong ningiyo?
Q'uth oghotugg xigide'on'. Sunshine between the clouds. weather sunny Ngi'egh ndadz dighet'a?
Che nititlchonh. It started to rain. weather rain Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Che nititlyotth. It's started to snow again. weather snow Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Chenh yi{dax. Ice is running. seasonal Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Chonh ni’ideteyh. Rain is freezing right now. weather freeze Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Da{ine ntitlchonh. Even so it started to rain. weather rain Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Da{t'ol yot'igighe'on' Lunar eclipse sky Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Deg itongo ineyaxey longh. There's lots of flowers around here. seasonal Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Deg itongo ineyaxey qul. There's no flowers around here. seasonal Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Deg itongo xigide'on'. There's sunshine around here. weather sunny Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Deg q'uth xelanh. It's cloudy. weather cloudy Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Deg xiyi{ ixudinek. Snow is gone around here. weather snow Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Deg xiyi{ yixudz dixet’a. Same here.  (weather) weather Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Do{to getiy vits'i xili'an'. The moon is bright. time of day shine Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Dranh di{ngath. The days are getting longer. seasonal become light Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Dranh xitidit'ux. It's going to storm. (Bad weather.) weather Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Dranh yitongo nixididhi{. It gets warm during the day. weather Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Dranh yitongo yith nitilghenh. Snow is melting every day. weather melt Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Duxdi githitsetl. Too much snow on the trees. weather snow Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Edi dran trixet’igh. The weather is bad. weather Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Edi dranh q’uth xelanh. Cloudy all day. weather cloudy Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Eq xelanh siyozr. A little foggy. weather fog Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Eq xelanh. It’s foggy. weather fog Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Getiy eq ngichox. It’s really foggy.  Really fog big. weather fog Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Getiy ghe{ yoth. We’ve been having a lot of snow. weather snow Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Getiy inis yotth. It really snowed. It's trying to snow. weather snow Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Getiy izre ngichux. It's really cold. weather cold Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Getiy izre ni’etithichox. It’s getting really cold. weather cold Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Getiy izre xelanh. It's really cold. weather cold Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Getiy quth xelanh. It’s really cloudy. weather cloudy Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Getiy xeydhi{. It's really hot. weather hot Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Getiy xu{ te'isr. It's really muddy. seasonal muddy Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Getiy xuliqik! It’s really slippery. It’s very icy! seasonal slippery Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Ghi{ chon’. It rained. weather rain Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Ghi{ ghatl. It's getting dark. time of day dark Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Ghi{ yoth. It snowed. weather snow Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Gido{t’ol. There’s moon light. time of day shine Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Git’on’ deq’onh. Leaves are turning color. [burning] seasonal turn color/burn Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Git’on’ ditidhiq’onh. Leaves starting to turn color. [burning] seasonal turn color/burn Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Git'on' i{ogo ditidl totl. Leaves are bursting out. seasonal Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Go deg xiyi{. Here, too.  [The weather is the same here.] weather Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Godeg giton’ yixudz ditidhiq’onh. Around here all the leaves are turning color. seasonal turn color/burn Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
I{ yoth It’s snowing. weather snow Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
I{ yoth Fairbanks godeg. It’s snowing here in Fairbanks weather snow Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
I{ yoth tr’al. It’s snowing a little bit. weather snow Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
I{t'iy xidetr'iyh. It's always windy. weather wind Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Izre antr'e xiyhts'in’. It's cold like Fall. weather cold Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Izre ngichox. It’s really cold. weather cold Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Izre qul. Not cold. It’s chinook weather. weather warm Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Izre xelanh. It’s cold. weather cold Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Izre xighela’. It was cold. weather cold Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Ngitthe xin ting xithetinh. The trail on the river is still hard. seasonal frozen Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Nixiditeyh. It’s freezing. weather freeze Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Nixighe{. It's melting. weather melt Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
No’oy getiy vits’i xedhi{. The sun is really hot. weather hot Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
No’oy vits’i xedhi{. The sun is hot. (Sun, from it, it’s hot.) weather hot Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
No'oy yot'igighe'on' Solar eclipse weather Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Q’uth xelanh It’s cloudy. weather cloudy Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
So{ de’on’. It’s dark. time of day get dark Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
So{ ditidhi'on’. It's getting (starting to get) dark. time of day get dark Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Te ighul ivis, he'. Water is rising. seasonal rise Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Te yi{ dax. Ice is still running. seasonal Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Ting xuliqik. The roads are (trail is) slippery. seasonal slippery Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Tr’al ts’i izre. It’s not very cold. weather cold Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Tr'al tr'ixidetr'iyh. It's a little windy here. weather wind Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Tsighi{ de'on'. It’s dark. time of day get dark Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Tso{ de’on’. It’s dark. time of day get dark Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Vanhdong no’oy gisr ye ditl’ineg. This morning the sun had mittens on.  (I saw a sun dog this morning.) weather wear Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Xezrenh. It’s good. weather Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Xi{ so{ ditidhi'on. It's getting dark. time of day get dark Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Xidetr'iyh qul. It's not windy. weather wind Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Xidetr'iyh. It's windy. weather wind Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Xideytr’iyh ts’i izre ngichux. The wind is cold. weather wind Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Xidighe’on’ tr’al. It was a little sunny. weather sunny Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Xidine tl’ek. It’s sting-y cold. weather cold Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Xigide’on’. It is sunny. weather sunny Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Xin ndadz dixit’a? How is the river? seasonal Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Xiyh nixinedhit. Winter has come. seasonal Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Yith ixudidinek. Snow is gone. seasonal snow Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Yith ngichux. There’s lots of snow. weather snow Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Yo inxaditlne. It’s clearing off. weather clear Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Yoyan’ xelanh. It’s clear. [Sky only there is.] weather clear Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Yoyan’ xighela’. It was clear. weather Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a?
Q’uth yan’ xighela’. It was just cloudy. weather cloudy Ng'iegh ndadz dixighet'a?
Q’uth xughela’. It was cloudy. weather cloudy Ngi'egh ndadz dixighet'a?
Xighezre’ It was cold. weather cold Ngi'egh ndadz dixighet'a?
Xigidighe’on’. It was sunny. weather sunny Ngi'egh ndadz dixighet'a?
Si’to’________vi’ezre’. My father’s name is______. kinship Ngito' ndadz vi'ezre'?
Q’iydong gidiqad nidhiso. Yesterday I went to the store. place  go Q'iydong ndadz dangit'an'?
Q’iydong i{ yoth. Yesterday it snowed. weather snow Q'iydong ndadz dixighet'a?
Q’iydong tr’al si’ezre. Yesterday it was warm. weather warm Q'iydong ndadz dixighet'a?
Q’iydong xidighetr’iyh. Yesterday it was windy. weather windy Q'iydong ndadz dixighet'a?
Q’iydong xigidighe’on’. Yesterday it was sunny weather sunny Q'iydong ndadz dixighet'a?
Office dhisdo. I’m at the office. sit/stay Q'iydong ndagh ghingdo'?
Q’iydong ____ ghisdo’. I was (somewhere) yesterday. sit/stay Q'iydong ndagh ghingdo'?
Q’iydong got ghisdo’. I was here yesterday. sit/stay Q'iydong ndagh ghingdo'?
Q’iydong siyiq ghisdo’. Yesterday I stayed home. sit/stay Q'iydong ndagh ghingdo'?
Q’o’isineyhdi ghisdo’. I was at work. [My work place was I staying.] sit/stay Q'iydong ndagh ghingdo'?
Siyix ghisdo’. I was at home. sit/stay Q'iydong ndagh ghingdo'?
Tr’idets’an’. We are hungry. cooking/eating hungry Tr'idets'an' he?
Q’otasineyh ISER. I’ll work at ISER. occupations  work Vendida' ndadz ditet'e{?
Q’otasineyh. I’m going to work. I will work. occupations  work Vendida' ndadz ditet'e{?
{egg Jitno’ dinayi{ genot’ux. We’re going (flying) to Shageluk. (It’s flying (with) us to Shageluk.) travel fly Venhdida ndadz ditet'e{?
Computers yix q’otasineyh. I ‘ll work with computers. occupations  work Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
Gidina{dikdi nighin tasdo{. I’ll go to school. occupations go Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
Go tasdo{. I’ll stay here. sit/stay Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
Ingoq titatl’e{. Tomorrow I’m going to dance. dance Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
Q’on-gatatlqon’. I will sew. sew Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
Sileg oxo {egg tatvatr. I cook for my dog tomorrow. cooking/eating cook (for) Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
U. q’otasineyh. I’ll work at the U. occupation work Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
Venhdida' chenh q'on-gatatlqon'. I'll sew again tomorrow. sew Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
Venhdida’ g’an nitl’ade xits’i tasdo{. Tomorrow I’m going out trapping. [to where I’m catching animals] hunting/trapping go (trapping) Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
Venhdida’ go tasdo{ I’ll stay here tomorrow. go Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
Venhdida’ xinadilighusdi tasdo{.  I’m going to a meeting tomorrow go Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
Xina xatidlghisr tasdo{ I’ll go to a meeting. go Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
Xina xatidlghisrdi xits’in tasdo{. I’ll go to the meeting tomorrow. go Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
Yith q’idz q’o’idighol siyi{ q’otidigho{. I’m going for a ride on the snowmachine. travel go (by snowmachine) Venhdida' ndadz ditet'e{?
  Xeyeghelinghdi xist’anh. I am from Holikachuk (Grayling). place/residence be (from)
___ adhido, he? Is _(name) here?
___ dene. Say…. (As when speakers tell a student how to pronounce something.) talk
___ idingi{qit. Ask _(name)_ ask
___ itlanh. I’m (name). be
{egg Jitno' Shageluk place/residence
{egg nelax? Did the fish come? fishing go
{eggded ilix tox, vigixili'in yi{ vighodix xelanh. As the eels swim up river, there's a light above them. seasonal
{eggded no’o November [the month of eels] [long-fish moon] seasonal
{ek axa nixidiligoyh. Dog race
{ek dhitl’ighanh. It killed a dog. kill
{ek idiniso. I don’t have a dog. have
{ek ist’anh. I have a dog have
{ek q’izr Red dog color be (color)
{it xiq’iy. It’s blue. color be (color)
{o Really, true
‘Isda’ nididong ningiyo. My cousin, when did you come? (Men to men) kinship go
‘one. Come here.  (Name can be either before or after.) go
A{axa antr’ixixidili’anh. We learn with each other. learn
A{ixi Everyone
A{o xinexayh. You talk for nothing, (doesn't make sense) expressions talk
A’iy nda’. Give me that one. expressions give
Ade’ gila. That’s good. expressions
Ade’ siyozr. Hello, my son. greetings
Ade’ yixudz. Hello, everyone. greetings
Ade’. Hello. greetings
AFN xitsi teho/, he? Are you going to AFN? travel go
Agide {o’ ts’in’. That’s really true. expressions
Agide dixu. That’s pretty good, that’s fine. expressions
Agide edi xunik. That’s all the news. expressions
Agide iy. That's good enough. (good bye) expressions
Agide sroghidz ts’in’. That’s good. (Something you’ve done.) expressions
Agide sroghidz. That’s good. (Something you’ve done.) expressions
Agide viyen xune{. Maybe they’re happy. emotions happy
anh he, she, it, that one
antr'a As if, like
Arizona nidhiso. I went to Arizona. travel go
Arizona teho{? Are you going to Arizona? travel go
axaxi{dik Then, and then
ayiggi, eyiggi down
Beth didhistth'iggi ts'in'. I can't hear Beth. hear
Betty yix xi’egh . Around Betty’s house. place/residence
Chaynik na{chux. The kettle’s boiling. cooking/eating boil (make noise?)
Che vidile iy. Sing it again. sing
Che yixudz didene. Say it again. (again everything say) talk
Che yixudz. Same thing.
che, chenh Again
Chel ngizrenh. A good boy
Chel qay yixidets’an’. The boys are hungry. hungry
Chel yiq’i dingitan yi{ q’o’edoyh. She’s walking around with a boy that she likes. daily  go around
Chighiligguy athdlanh. They got a fox. hunting/trapping get (hunt)
Da{dzits Native dancing dance
da{ine' But, even so
Da{on genavadr lay soxo ngit'otth. Maybe cut me some half-dried fish fishing cut
Dadz This way, thus expressions
De ista’ ts’in’ Nothing’s wrong. Not bad. expressions
Deg This, these, here
Deg Hit’an itla’ ts’in’. I’m not Deg Hit’an. heritage be (of)
Deg Hit’an itlanh. I am Deg Hit’an. heritage be (of)
Deg Hit'an oxo xinayh. Speaking for Native people. (Native lawyer) occupations talk
Deg Inegh McGrath (over there) place/residence
Deg tr'ititl tth'e. We're sitting around.  sit/stay
Deg Xinag Around here language language talk
Deg Xinag dindldig vantr’alnilay. So we will remember Deg Xinag. expressions remember
Deg Xinag oxonigi’an’. I’m learning Deg Xinag. learn
Deg xiq’i tr'ixinthag. Let's talk Deg Xinag.  talk
Deg xiq’i xintisiyh xintr’ixathneg. I’m trying to learn Deg Xinag. learn
Deg xiqi dinayi{ xinexayh. Talk DX with us. talk
Deg xiqi siyi{ xinexayh. Talk DX with me. talk
Deg xiqi xinatr’iditlghusr. Let's talk Deg Xinag. talk
Deg xitthagg. Places I never saw before. travel
Deloy Chet Holy Cross. Hill point or end. End of the hill. place/residence
Deloy Chet xist’anh.  I am from Holy Cross. place/residence be (from)
Deloy Ges deloy “hill”, ges “simple” place/residence
Deloy Ges xist’anh. I am from Anvik. “Simple Hill” place/residence be (from)
Den-gi xinangadlyo, he? Did you win some money? win money
Didalne vigidiggitr Fiddle (says sound-you rub it) music
Didlang nadhi{ yi{ van i{. The trees are warm. seasonal warm
Didlang xindighe’oh  Standing tree plants
Digenegh Kuskokwim people kinship/people
Diggandengidhit. (you) Stand up. stand up
Diggandidhuxliyo. (you guys) Stand up. stand up
Diggi ts’in’! Up! stand
Diliquth. She’s coughing. health cough
Dina longh Lots of people kinship/people
Dina xinag Our language
Dina yetr Belief system or way of thinking [our life] beliefs
Dina{t’ay {ek ingit’anh? How many dogs do you have? have
Dinadrigg xidi{chedh. Apron. clothing
Dinalo’ axa didalney. I just have to play music. [Our hand with play.] music play music
Dinatsili’anh. To us they were acting funny. be
Dinatthey Our grandchild (grandchildren) kinship
Dinavonh ye xivigidranh Mothers' Day holiday
Dinaxito' q’unodle chux xethdlanh. Our father was born on Christmas. seasonal born
Dinaxito' xethdlanhdi; dranh nonxididhit. Our father was born; it’s the day. seasonal born
Dinaxito’ God, our father kinship/people
Dinaxito’, ngogho xisrigizrdiddhinh. Our father, we are thankful to you. beliefs thankful
Dinaxiyi{ With us
Di'ne S/he said, s/he says thus talk
Di'ne. He said. talk
Dineg Moose animals
Dineg siyix xi’egh q’o’edoyh. There was a moose in my back yard animals go (around)
Dineg ting ndidhit. A moose was standing on the trail. animals stand 
Dithiq’isr. It’s red. Red color be (color)
Ditlsenh. I made one. make
Dits'in getiy longh deg yiytongo. There are lots of geese around here. seasonal
Dits'in nit'ux. Geese are here.  [flying here] seasonal fly
Diva anh dhedo? Who’s here? sit/stay
Diva anh? Who is that?
Diva ingilanh? Who are you?
Diva siyi{ xinayh? Who's talking with me? talk
Diva xidoy ndithit. Who’s at the door? stand
Diva xinayh? Who's talking? talk
Diva yi{ gitexe{? Who are you going to eat with? cooking/eating eat
Dixist'an ts'in’. Nothing going on.
Dixudz inuxdatl. It’s good you came. (Thank you for coming.) expressions
Doctor vimaq ntlanh A doctor’s going to look at his eyes. health look
Dodo. That’s enough. expressions
Dogidinh. Thank you. expressions
Doyon ghiho{. The chief (wolverine or wolf) is coming. expressions go (by walking)
Dran gidiqad ntaso{. Today I’ll go to the store. daily go
Dran ndadz dangit’an’? What did you do today? do
Dran niso. I came today. travel go
Duxtsan’, he? Are you guys hungry? cooking/eating hungry
E Yes
E, gag xelanh. Yes, there are berries. seasonal be 
Edo’ ts’in’ S/he’s not here. be (here)
Enagh iy. No.
Enasta{. I’m going to go to bed. go to bed
Enedz Hit’an Nikolai people place/residence
Engan hit’an itlanh. I am a person from outside. place/residence
Engan qay xichux xist’anh. I’m from a big city outside. place/residence
Engan xigi gag te’ Outside juice (Like orange juice.) cooking/eating
Engthe’ teyan’ xelanh. Out in the middle is only water. (not frozen yet) seasonal
Enh No (I don’t want to) want
Esre'. I don't know. know
Etthe xunik xelanh? Is there any news? expressions
Fairbanks ntaso{. I’ll return to Fairbanks. travel go
Fairbanks q’o’edighul. I’ll drive to Fairbanks. travel go (drive)
Fairbanks siqay. My home is in Fairbanks. place/residence sit/stay
Fairbanks xidhitlanh. I was born at Fairbanks. place/residence born
Gag qul. There’re no berries. seasonal
Gag te’ Juice. cooking/eating
Gag xelanh, he’? Are there berries? seasonal
Gan What
Gan a diva dene? What did you say? talk
Gan a diva dene? What did you say? talk
Gan ghungi{nik? What are you cooking? cooking/eating cook
Gan iy? What is it? (An answer when someone calls your name.)
Gan iyo xinayh? What’s he talking about? talk
Gan tr’idighine’. Summary [What we said. ] talk
Gantr’ixithneg. I don’t know much yet. know
Gasre{ no{. We're going to go eat. cooking/eating eat
Genavadr yi{ tthe. I'll cut half-dried fish. fishing cut
George viqul. No, George.
George xidega{ ni'ideyo. George finally came. go
George, Katherine xiditltthe. George and Katherine are sitting here. sit/stay
Getiy dhisdhi{. I’m really hot. weather hot
Getiy diggiquth. It’s really bad.
Getiy dogidinh. Thank you very much. expressions thankful
Getiy ggux longh Lots of rabbits numbers
Getiy ngichux ghison’. I ate too much. eat
Getiy ngizrenh. That’s really good. expressions
Getiy sidinga{ ts’i. Be happy. emotions happy
Getiy vigidiggitr longh Lots of fiddles [very fiddle many] music
Getiy vixatroth iy. It’s really hard. expressions
Getiy vixetroth iy. It’s really hard. expressions
Getiy xe{edz dangit'anh. You did very well. (Congratulations.) expressions do
Getiy xisrigidasdhet. I am very thankful. expressions thankful
Getiy yi{ ntasxiniyh. I’ll be careful. expressions be careful
Getiy yix xuneg. Very nice house.
Ggagg chux ting xinagha{‘an qiydong. He saw a big animal track yesterday. animals see
Ggagg k’idz {it q’odingit’a. The bird is blue. (Like smoke) be (a color)
Ggagg k’idz dithiq’isr. The bird is red. be (a color)
Ggagg k’idz getiy longh gidalyiyh. Lots of birds are singing. seasonal sing
Ggagg k’idz gidile. A bird is singing. seasonal sing
Ggagg k’idz litthugh. The bird is yellow. be (a color)
Ghiluq Poor thing expressions
Ghinansinek. I fix things. occupations work
Ghuso{. I’m walking. go (walk)
Ghuxo{. S/he is walking. go (walk)
Gi{igg 1 numbers count
Gi{iggin One person. numbers count
Gi{igging dina 20 (whole person) numbers count
Gi{iggsnal siyi{ xethdlan. I have 5 sisters. [5 with me siblings] kinship have siblings
Gi{isnalingh sraqay ist’anh. I have 5 children. kinship have children
Gi{ixsnal 5 numbers count
Gidalne Musical instrument music
Gidegh ni’enitht’uq. He’s flying away. travel fly
Gidegh nonela iy. Put it away. put away
Gidhiyh xits’in ni{q’adz ts’i xinitl’anh. Loche was looking around. look
Gidina{dikdi School place 
Gidiqad Store place
Gidong gighehon’. He ate already. eat
Gil iy. That’s ok (You’re welcome) expressions
Gilegiq xidi’alyayhdi Post office place
Ginandidoy ninat'uq. Robin flew back. seasonal fly
Gineghan. Carry a packsack, Robert Painter’s nickname. names carry
Giqul. Nothing.
Gishagh itra’ itlanh. I’m a white woman. heritage be (of)
Git'on' Leaves plants
Git'on yeg Leaf shadow plants
Gitr’ingithchagg Anvik place/residence
Gitr’ingithchagg xist’anh.  I am from Anvik. place/residence
Gitr’ingithchagg xits’in’ (from). It starts in Anvik. start (from)
Gitr'ingithchagg Anvik (long skinny river mouth) place/residence
Gitriqched  Half a dish [person’s name] names
Gits’i’in q’ongedoyh xita  nginisdhinh. I thought you were out trapping. seasonal trap
Gits’in’, he’? Is that wrong? expressions wrong
Gitth’e i{tthith Sucking fish heads [person’s name] names
Giyeg Spirit beliefs
Giyema yeg giq’idixit’anh Mask dance seasonal dance
Go dhisdo siya xune{. I’m happy to be here. emotions happy
Go dhisdo ts’in’ silo gheg toxusa{. I’m just sitting here counting my fingers. expressions count
Go dhisdo. I’m right here. sit/stay
Go dranh Today (this day)
Go nine'oyh iy. Put it here. put
Go qul. It’s nothing. expressions
Go, got Here
Go’eda{ niso. I came just now. go
Go’eda{ q’osineyh Right now I’m working. occupation work
Godeg ngoho{. Go this way instead. go
Godhisdo. I'm here. sit/stay
Goghon’ Half
Gogide’ Right here
Gon ingi{yi{. Grab this. grab
Gon nagh q’at? Which one do you want? want
Gon qat, he’? Do you want this? want
Got. Here.
Hannah idhatltth’onh. I hear Hannah. hear
He’ Question marker
Hotel nda{on dhedo. Maybe he’s in a hotel. sit/stay
I was coming over here. Xits’in dinsidhit. go
I{t'et   As usual, always
Idaghi{hethdlanh New born baby
Idangasqit. I asked.
Ide chenh. Your turn.
Idedik Too, also
Idiyi{ ngidiniyh. Be careful. expressions
Idogho xiyo dingil'an'. Think about yourself. (in the future) expressions think
Imk’i xe{edz. Pretty near good. expressions
Imoq Dance dance
Inagh iy. No. Leave it! expressions
Ine' Listener’s expression when hearing stories
Inga dist’a. I love you. emotions like
Ingan xiyith. Long ways out. (Seattle from AK) place/residence
Ingi{ chet, he' ? Did you get it?
Iszrisr. I’m drinking. (Tea, coffee…) drink
Ithitinh. I’m freezing. cold
Itineyo’. He’s trying to go. travel go
Itldhatltth’e{.. I’m going to listen. listen
Itsa’a  ayiggi Great grandmother! (speaking directly to her) expressions
Ixidiniy on’e Hurry up, and come. expressions go
Ixuxuyi{ All of a sudden, and then, and next
Iy it, 3rd person inanimate
Jesse yi{ xinisayh. I’m talking to Jesse. talk
Jim Fairbanks q’untogh yet viyi{ e’odz genit’uq, Beth di’ne. Jim flew in to Fairbanks. (Airplane with him coming over it flew.) Beth said. travel fly
Katherine xidanh? Where’s Katherine?
Kula! Poor thing! expressions
Liniy Candy food
Litthugh (litthux?) yellow color
Long. Longh Many, much, lots
Nalyagh ggingh Chips (Dried potato (vegetable)) food
Nanhdal nigindiyi{. Ducks will be coming. seasonal fly
Nasrtidi{, he’? Can we go? go
Nasyonh. I grew up. place/residence grow up
Natthey Our grandchildren kinship
Nayi{ genot'ux. We're going to fly down. travel fly
Nayi{ q’u’idighul yi{ nasrdidi{. We're going to come back by car. travel go (by car)
Nda nixinedhit? What time is it? time of day
Nda ntuxdidi{? When will you return? travel go (return)
Nda{on tasdo{. Maybe I’ll go. travel go
Nda{on. Maybe.
Ndada’ When
Ndada’ teho{? When are you coming? travel go
Ndada’ tuxdi{? When are you guys coming? travel go
Ndadz chenh? What else?
Ndadz dasrot'e{. What should we do? do
Ndadz dene ___ deg xiq’i. How do you say _ in Deg Xinag? talk
Ndadz dene? What are you saying? talk
Ndadz dengit’anh ts’i xiq’a dengit’a. What do you like to do? (What do you do that you like to do?) do
Ndadz dengit’anh? What are you doing? do
Ndadz dengit'a? How are you? be
Ndadz didene? What are you saying? talk
Ndadz dina{t’anh? How many (people) are there? numbers count
Ndadz dina{t’ay? How many (things) are there? numbers count
Ndadz dingit’a? How is she? be
Ndadz dingit’anh? What are you doing? do
Ndadz dituxt'e{. What are you guys going to do? do
Ndadz dixasne{? What am I going to say? (What should I say?) talk
Ndadz dixi’ne? What’s being said? talk
Ndadz dixit'anh? What's going on?
Ndadz duxt’a? How are you all?
Ndadz ho'in. What for?
Ndadz ngi’ezre’? What’s your name? name
Ndadz ngitsiy vi'ezre'. What's your grandfather's name? kinship
Ndadz nixit'ixet'a? How are you? (?plural) be 
Ndadz vi’ezre’? What’s his name? name
Ndadz xuneg. How nice.
Ndagh where
Ndagh dhedo? Where are you? sit/stay
Ndagh ghingido’ venhdong? Where were you this morning. sit/stay
Ndagh Grayling? Where is Grayling? place/residence
Ndagh nidheyo? Where were you? (?where did you return from) go (return)
Ndagh tr’ididltth’e? Where are we? sit/stay
Ndagh tr’ixo{tthe{? In Shageluk where will we sleep? sleep
Ndagh xathdo? Where are they? (two people) sit/stay
Ndagh xididltth’e? Where are they? (more than two people) sit/stay
Ndagh xingit’anh? Where are you from? place/residence
Ndagh xingith. So long ways. (So far away.) place/residence
Ndagh xingiyo? Where did you go? travel
Ndagh xits’in’ dingitanh? Where are you from? place/residence
Nde Excuse me.
Ndidong ningiyo? When did you come? travel go
Ne S/he says talk
Neg Nice, pretty
Ngan' land [also means earth, world, floor, ground]
Ngan' dit'anh Earthquake do
Ngan’ dit’an’. There is an earthquake. (earth it is doing.) do
Ngan’ q’idz q’o’idighul yet ntr’idedatl. We came up by car. [runs on top of the land i.e. –car] travel go (by car)
Ngan’ q’o’idighul taste{. I’ll drive a car. travel go (by car)
Ngi viye xididhiq’un idhatltth’onh. I heard your stove. hear
Ngi{ngathdi nidhiso. I went for a long walk. go (by walking)
Ngi’in tengi{. Throw it away. (Pour liquid away.) pour
Ngidag nonde{cheth. Put your coat on clothing put on
Ngide chenh. Your turn.
Ngide dig’iy. Your turn.
Ngidedig. You too.
Ngidenax? And you?
Ngididhistth'iggi ts'in'. I can't hear you. hear
Ngidighitlqat ts’in’ xiqul. I’ve got nothing to ask you. ask
Ngidistth’iq. I can hear you. hear
Ngidixsin yix gini{’anh. Something (somebody) looking at you from up there. expressions look
Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a? What's the weather like? weather
Ngi'egh ndadz dixighet'a? What was the weather like? weather
Ngi'egh q’odhisiyo. I walked around. go (around)
Ngi'egh q'osinek. I worked outside. daily work
Ngi'egh yixu'egh Yard (outside around the house)
Ngighe' tongo'o. Brush your teeth. brush
Ngilo’ ton-ngilax. Wash your hands. daily wash
Ngini{chin dighi{chith. They tied it in the back of their head. tie
Ngiq’a dhist’a. I like you. emotions like
Ngistle A little bit
Ngitax e? [like ngidenax] And you?  (Louise?)
Ngixune{. You’re happy. emotions happy
Ngiyix dhedo, he.  Are you home now? place sit/stay
Ngiyozr ndadz dingt'a. How's your son? kinship be
Ngizrenh. It’s good.
Ngo While
Ngohan{toyh. I respect you. expressions respect
Ni{treth ghux (sp?) xidigitolya{. Wolverine party (bring something in for the wolverine/wolf) traditional feast bring
Nidizighatl. It's calming down. weather
Nigenoggizrin Stretch rope across [person’s name] stretch across
Nigighin ting xelanh. Wolf tracks there were. animals
Nigighon athdlanh. Someone got a wolf. hunting/trapping get (hunt)
Nigighon sileg tux neyo. A wolf came amongst my dogs. animals go
Nigighun athdlanh. They got a wolf. hunt get
Niligguy ditlan ts’i xixenagi’an’. I’m learning to bead. sew (learn)
Niligguy qongididlq’on’ I sew beads. sew
Ninge nagi’e{. See you. expresssions
Ninsiyo. I came back. go (return)
Nisiyo. I went home. go
Nixini’o’ Tea partners dance dance
Noghiniy getiy longh Lots of rabbits animals
Noghiniy, ggux Rabbit animals
Notin sraqay ist’anh. I have 2 children. have children
Noxtth'igg q'aniginigith ts'in. I can't find my glasses. find
Nt’uxda’ After a while time
Ntasdo{. I'm going now. (walking) go
Ntidhidi{. He’s going to go home. go (return)
Ntidhiyo. He left. go
Ntithiyo ts’an’at. He went home. go (return)
Nt'ux xiyozr. In a little while. Later. time
Oghidong Last year time
Oghixiyh Last winter time
Ogho xayoditl'anh I'm thinking. (or worrying about something) worry
On’e (on) Come. go (come here)
One siyi{ ingoq dengitl’an. Come and dance with me. dance
Oregon ndadz oxo ntidheyo? Why did you go to Oregon? travel go
Otr’ixini{toyh. We respect you. expressions respect
Ots’i'iy No
Party on nidhiso. I went to the party. go
Q’idong Already.
Q’in sighi edoy Dog team leader.
Q’in sighi hol Some one going ahead
Q’iydong Yesterday time
Q’iydong dhiyiq ghedo’. Yesterday she stayed home. sit/stay
Q’iydong ndagh ghingdo’? Where were you yesterday. place/residence sit/stay
Q’o idighi{ q’osineyh. Right now I’m working. occupation work
Q’oda{ji Skiis (Go around on split sticks.) ski
Q’odet. While ago. time
Q’odhidiyo, he? Did you go? go
Q’odhisinedi. Where I work. occupation work
Q’odhisiyo.  I walked. [Q’o- = around, -dh- = perfective (action completed) –s- = I or me, -yo =  one person, perfective, go by foot] go (walk around)
Q’odiniyh. S/he worked. occupation work
Q’odisineyhdi dhisdo I’m at work. occupation work
Q’on diti{theyh. Throw it back and forth. (juggle) throw
Q’on-gidineyh, he’? Are you working? occupation work
Q’osineyh dhisdo. I’m at where I work. sit/stay
Q’osineyh oqo xinitl’anh. I’m looking for a job. look
Q’unodlayo Church place 
Q’unodle Chux Christmas, holiday holiday
Q’unodle chux ghinon xididhit. It’s already Christmas. holiday
Q’unodle chux ngiye xune{. It’s Christmas, be happy. [Merry Christmas.] holiday happy
Q’unodle chux sidinga{ts’eyh. It’s Christmas, be happy. [Merry Christmas.] holiday happy
Q’unodle chux tl’oghida’. After Christmas. holiday
Q’unodle chux ts’an xididhi{. Christmas is coming. holiday
Q’unodle tl’oghdi Next week time
Q’untogh ninot’uq. The airplane came. travel fly
Q’untogh yet ntaso. In an airplane I will return. travel go (return)
Q’untogh yet siyi{ e’odz ginit’uq. I flew in. (Airplane with me coming over it flew.) travel fly
Qay Xichux Anchorage [big village] place/residence
Qay Xichux dhisdo. I'm staying in the big village (Anchorage). place/residence sit/stay
Qay Xichux ghingdo’. You were in town. place/residence sit/stay
Qay Xichux nteho{? When are you coming to Anchorage? travel go
Qel tritr Old grandmother wood (willows that are easy to get.) expresssions
Q'en' tol Fish egg soup food
Q'i on
Q'idz on
Qigidist’oyh To wear out your feet walking [person’s name] go (walk around)
Qo’edida{. They were walking. daily go (walk around)
Q'o'ent'ux yet nidhiso. I went on (with) an airplane. travel go (by airplane)
Qula. Too bad.
Sam gilegiq Sam’s papers
Seattle xi{ so{ ditidhi'on, he? Is it getting dark in Seattle? time of day dark
Sedig chenh. My turn again.
Sedig digiy. My turn.
Si yetr xelanhda’. If there’s still breath in me. expressions
Si’ot imo ngilanh. My wife is sick. health be (sick)
Sichidl k’idz My little brother kinship
Sidedig. Me too.
Sidhox diy gidhiq. I am sorry. emotions sorry
Sidhux diyigidhik. I'm sad. emotions sad
Sidithniqay Canada xits’i xixet’anh. My parents are from Canada. place/residence be (from)
Sidzigh imo qul. My ear doesn't hurt. health hurt
Si'ezre' My name  (-zre’ name, call)
Sigigitol My soup food/cooking forget
Sigisr vandhiginix. I forgot my mittens. clothing forget
Sigisr vandhiginix. I forgot my mittens. clothing forget
Sigo k'idz viya xune{. My baby is happy. emotions happy
Sileg igitlanh. I fed my dogs. feed
Sileg k’idz ixedhinix. My little dog is lost. be (lost)
Sileg yetthi’. My dog is barking bark
Singonh_____vi’ezre’. My mother’s name is_____. kinship
Siqing’ imo ngilanh. My husband is sick. health be (sick)
Sitley’a My grandchild. (Calling) kinship
Sitley’a My grandchild. (Speaking directly to the grandchild) kinship
Sito' Deloy Chet nadheyon'. My father grew up in Holy Cross. place/residence
Sito’ singonh yi{ Fairbanks ni{nedz xididatl. My mother met my father in Fairbanks. kinship meet
Sito’ vidadr qul. My dad doesn’t have any sisters. kinship
Sitoyix My uncle's house kinship
Sits’ida’on My friend, my relation kinship
Sitse / itsa’a My grandmother / “Grandmother!” kinship
Sitsiy / iva’a My grandfather / “Grandfather!” kinship
Sittha’ yozr My dear one kinship
Sittha’neg My nice daughter kinship
Sitthe' xughe'initlniq My brain is tired. tired
Sitthey e’odz nine{tayh. Bring me my grandchild. kinship bring
Siyaxune{. I'm happy. emotions happy
Siyeg My spirit
Siyi{ ingoq dengitl’an sixiq’ad, he? Do you want to dance with me? dance
Siyi{ q’untogh yet nisiyo. I came back in the airplane. travel fly
Siyix dhisdo. I’m at home. sit/stay
Siyix nondhisiyo. I went back home. place go (return)
Siyix q’o’isinek. I’m working at home. occupation work
Siyot’o Under the sky [person’s name] names
Siyotr’a’ ________vi’ezre’. My daughter’s name is_______. kinship
Siyotr’a’ viyix dhedo. I’m at my daughter’s house. place/residence sit/stay
Siyozr _________vi’ezre’. My son’s name is _________.
Siyozr edong imo ghela'. My daughter was sick yesterday. health sick
Sogho ningiho? Can you visit me? visit
Sraqay idiniso. I have no children. have children
Sraqay vigidigizr xandixudinitl’anh. I’m teaching kids to fiddle. teach
Sraqay viyen xidax. Kids are mad. emotions mad
Sraqay xidilighisr. Kids are playing around. play
Srel People singing at the stick dance sing
Srel gileg Stick dance song ceremonies
Srighots’in’ ngiyo. I’m glad you (one person) came. happy
Srighots’in’ nuxdatl. It’s good you (several people) . happy
Sughiluq Dear thing
Taso{. I started out. go (start out)
Te {ats yan’. The water was muddy. muddy
Te isininh. I’m drinking water. drink
Te nadhil xighelinghdi ntr’athdatl. We went to the hot springs. travel go
Teho{. You started out. go (start out)
Telet. Be still. expressions
Teqxavon chenh xelanh. Ice on the edge. seasonal
Tl’itay niyh Cakes or cookies food/cooking
Tl’itay t’udz chux viq’idz ni{tux xelyoy Pizza (Big flat bread with a mixture on top) food/cooking
Tl’itay t’udz chux viq’idz ni{tux xelyoy q’at. I want pizza. food/cooking want
Tlagg No good; shabby, dilapidated
To{ getiy nadhi{ Too hot tea food/cooking
To{ ghinonxididhit. Tea time. food/cooking
To{ nda' iy. Give some tea here. food/cooking give
To{ ni{tse. Make tea. food/cooking make
To{ q'ul light tea food/cooking
To{ tl'idz coffee food/cooking
To{ tth'og soup bowl food/cooking
To{ zring dark tea food/cooking
To{ zring ghinonxididhit. Coffee time. food/cooking
To{ zring iszrisr. I’m drinking coffee. food/cooking drink
To{ zring ngizrisr. Drink coffee. food/cooking drink
To{, -tol soup, coffee, brewed tea, hot beverage, stew food/cooking
Toho{. S/he started out. go (start out)
Tr’i’ne It was said. talk
Tr’ixineganh k’idz Little baby
Tr'edha lo, suddenly
Tr'in'ne They say, we say, someone says talk
Tr'ixineganh viyaxune{. Baby is happy. emotions happy
Trod{ix It’s bad.
Ts’in’     [ts’i] And, in order to, to
Ts'an Is that so, is that right
Ts'in' Manner ADVERB, and, in order to, to  negative
Tth’e. Not yet. Still.
tux (dran tux) Among, during (during the day) time
Ughuda nididong ningiyo’. My cousin when did you come? Women to women kinship go
University nidhiso siyix xits’in q’odhisiyo. I went home from the University and worked around my house. go (go around)
University nidhiso. I went to the university. go
University q'osinek. I'm working at the university. occupation work
University xits’in tasdo{. I’ll go back to the U. go
Vandhiginix. I forgot it. forget
Vantr’ilnix. They forgot. forget
Vantr’ixisineg. I don’t know about it. know
Vaxa xiditrid Rake rake
Venhdida' Tomorrow time
Venhdida' gidoqad xits'i taso{. I will go to the store tomorrow. place go
Venhdida' gidoqad xits'i teho{, he'? Will you go to the store tomorrow? place go
Venhdida' gidoqad xits'i toho{, he'? Will s/he go to the store tomorrow? place go
Venhdida' Louise viyix xits'i taso{. I will go to Louise's house tomorrow. place go
Venhdida' Louise viyix xits'i teho{, he'? Will you go to Louise's house tomorrow? place go
Venhdida' Louise viyix xits'i tidhasol ts'in'. I won't go to Louise's house tomorrow. place go
Venhdida' Louise viyix xits'i tidhehol ts'in'. You won't go to Louise's house tomorrow. place go
Venhdida' Louise viyix xits'i tithol ts'in'. S/he won't go to Louise's house tomorrow. place go
Venhdida' Louise viyix xits'i toho{, he'? Will s/he go to the Louise's house tomorrow? place go
Venhdida' ndadz ditet’e{? What are you going to do tomorrow? do
Venhdida' ndagh tedo{? Where you going to stay tomorrow? go
Venhdida’ gitringithchagg siyi{ genot’ux. Tomorrow I’ll fly to Anvik. travel fly
Venhdida’ Louise Richard yi{ ngan’ q’idz q’o’idighol yet edodz xitodi{. Louise and Richard are coming up tomorrow by car. travel go (by car)
Venhdida’ ndadz ditet’e{. What are you going to do tomorrow? do
Venhdida’ ndagh tedo{? Where will you be tomorrow? go
Venhdida’ ngiyi{ nigenot’ux. You’re going (flying) back tomorrow? travel fly
Venhdida’ ninge nagi’e{. See you tomorrow. see
Venhdida’ q’agh ntasdo{. I’ll come back tomorrow. go (return)
Venhdida’ q’otasineyh. Tomorrow I’ll be working. occupation work
Venhdida’ q’unodle ditot’e{. We’re going to have church.
Ventrixuthneg. I don't know. know
Vidhox diyigidhik He's sorry. emotions sorry
Vidistth’el ts’in’. I can’t hear her/him. hear
Viggi te tathdling ithitin. Sewer pipe froze. freeze
Vigidiggitr dedi{ne He’s fiddling. music play music
Vigidiggitr deditlne. I’m fiddling. music play music
Vigidiggizr Fiddle/violin music
Vigisggitr I’m fiddling. play music
Vinaxa{tseg diggindhisdo. I got up early. time of day get up
Vinginh {eggded ilix. Month the eels come. [month long-fish fish-swim] seasonal go (swim?)
Viq’a dhisda. I like him. like
Viq’at, he’? Do you want it? want
Viq’at. I want it. want
Viqul iy It’s gone. be (gone)
Vitthegh Her hair
Vituxodal dhidlodi Library [Book (out of it we read) place] place
Vixetralth qul. It’s not hard.
Vixi nixindlighon giye ngila. Put those toys away. put away
Vixidhitlnix. I lost it. lose
Vixitagi’ex. I’ll learn. learn
Viyan' No
Viyan’ Really no, it’s not good. (If you don’t want it.)
Viyanxone{ ngixudidhit. It’s your birthday.
Viyaxune{. Happy birthday.
Viye xune{, he? Are you happy? emotions happy
Viyeg ngizrenh. Her spirit is good. emotions
Viyi{ xidija{, he? Are you busy? daily busy
Viyi{ xinsayh sixi q’at. I want to talk with you. talk
Viyix His/her house
Viyix xitlts’inh. He built his house. build
Xandhelnix. You forgot. forget
Xandhiginix. I forgot. forget
Xanghelnaghan. Don’t forget. forget
Xanitl’i{. I’m dreaming. dream
Xantlnix. He forgot. forget
Xantolnix. He will forget. forget
Xantr’ixisineg. I don’t know. know
Xanuxinlighan. You guys don’t forget.   forget
Xayh? What?  [A way to respond if someone calls your name.]
Xe{edz Good, nicely, well
Xe{edz dhist'a. I'm fine.
Xe{edz didangine'. You said it good. expressions talk
Xe{edz dixet’a ine’ yixetrix. They’re fine but they’re crying. emotions cry
Xe{edz ngiyi{ xighisngo’. It was good to talk to you. expressions talk
Xe{edz q’o’sineyh ninitl’an tux. I work better when I never see him. expressions work
Xe{edz tr'aningidhit, he'? Did you wake up good? wake up
Xe{edz yuxyi{ xighisngo’. It was good to talk to you (many). talk
Xe{edz, he’? Is it right?
Xedhi{. It’s hot. weather hot
Xeyididitthiy Stick dance stick ceremonies
xi{dik, xi{di Then, and then
Xi’in nithiyo. I went home. place/residence go (return)
Xidanh _____? (Name) where’s? be (place)
Xidanh ngonh? Where’s your mom? be (place)
Xiday sigigiqa{chin? Where are my boots? be (place)
Xiday sileg? Where is my dog? be (place)
Xidega{ ninisiyo. I finally came. travel go
Xididltthe, he’? Are they there? sit/stay
Xidiga{ Finally expressions
Xigaxi’on’. It will be sunny. weather sunny
Xin xidithitinh, he? Did the river freeze? seasonal freeze
Xina xatidlghisr Meetings
Xina xatidlghisrdi Meeting place [Where they talk.] place 
Xina xatidlghisrdo’ Meetings meet
Xina{nix. She forgot. forget
Xinathiyonh. They grew up. grow up
Xinaxatilighisr. They will talk. talk
Xinaxidilighisr. They talked. talk
Xinayh S/he talks. He’s making a speech. talk
Xindige’oh Standing tree plants
Xining{'anh! Look! see
Xintr’ixuniyh. We know. know
Xinxixuniyh. They know. know
Xinxuniyh. S/he knows. know
Xinxusniyh. I know. know
Xiq’ogili’anhdi Hospital (where they work on people.) place 
Xisrigidisddhinh. I’m thankful. thankful
Xisrigidisdhinhdi dran nixididhit. Thanksgiving (thankful day) is coming. holiday thankful
Xisrigizrdiddhinhdi dranh Thankful day. holiday thankful
Xitasdoyh. I’ll go there. go
Xithitinh xingo oyh idinh q’odithiyo. I walked without snowshoes on the crust. seasonal walk
Xitidli’an’. It’s getting to be daylight. time of day become light
Xititl'ode xidhe'onh holiday holiday
Xits’i tidhasol ts’in’. I’m not going there. go
Xits'i to (toward)
Xitthang iy Bad luck expresssions
Xivighun' nidhiso. I went there to visit people. visit
Xizro Only, just
Xizro lo chenh Only, maybe, again (hard to translate expresssions
Xot didene. Talk slow. talk
Xot dingit’anh. Go slow. (As when driving.) go
Xot gehonh. Eat slowly. cooking/eating eat
Xughe'initlniq She’s tired. tired
Xughenatlnik ts’in’ xantaginix. I will forget that I’m tired. (When I hear that dance music!) forget
Xulegg nonxitididhit. Springtime is here. seasonal
Xulegg. It's Spring. seasonal
Xunik neg Good news
Xunik qul. No news.
Xunik yi{ neyo. He came with the news. go
Xuyan' Only, alone, by oneself
Xuyi{ With them
Ya{tsighudl ingi{yi{. Grab the ball. grab
Ya{tsighudl q’on dititltheyh. I throw the ball back and forth. (juggle) throw
Yadz That way
Yan' Only, alone, just
Yeqin Hit’an Yukon people heritage
Yi{ With
Yi{ ghon dini{ chenh Half snow and rain. weather clear
Yi{ne. S/he said, s/he says to him/her talk
Yi’esghonh. I made some. make
Yidha{.  He's yawning. yawn
Yidhitl’izr ts’in’. I’m not sneezing. health sneeze
Yidong dixidighene’ ts’in’ nixitadhit. What they used to say long ago is starting to happen. expressions
Yiqin xido’. On the edge of the Yukon.
Yit There (specific)
Yith q’idz q’o’idigho{ ye’itthedz niso. I came on snowmobile. travel go (by snowmachine)
Yith q’idz q’o’idighol. Snow machine travel
Yith qul. No snow. weather snow
Yith xelanh, he? Is there snow? weather snow
Yith yi{ gata{tthet. It’s snowing and stormy. weather snow
Yith yi{ xideytr’iyh. It’s blowing snow. weather snow
Yitl'isr. I'm sneezing. health sneeze
Yitongo Meanwhile
Yitots'in' After that, then, next,
Yitoyiggi Right now,then, thereupon
Yixdedig. Them too.
Yixi There (area)
Yixi’ethdlax. They already went by. go (by boat?)
Yixo xinisayh. I talked about you guys again. talk
Yixudz All, entirely
Yixudz a{axa ntr'iyi{ q'oditr'idiney. We'll all work together. expressions work
Yixudz a{axa q'osrididineyh. We're all working together. expressions work
Yixudz ditr’atone{. We’ll all say it. talk
Yixudz dixet’a. The same.
Yixudz vandhiginix. I forgot everything. forget
Yixuteli’ex. You’ll learn. learn
Yoxo ogh Year before last
Yozr Child, small, son kinship
Zro Only, just, plainly